Episode 111: Finding the Light

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Soon after returning to the hotel, I gave Rhys some tea to calm down his nerves. Tahoma scolded him, but he couldn't finish, seeing Rhys' face of regret and fear was too much for him.

Aya, Orion, and I reported what had happened with the members of H.E.H.'s team. Hopefully something could be done about it, for Rhys' sake as well others. They had already gotten away with too much.

Rhys sat on the couch of the suite I shared with the girls. They were still out, likely in the hospital. The half empty cup in his hand trembled.

I wrapped a blanket over shoulders and took a seat beside him. "It's fine now, you're safe and sound."

His eyes shifted toward the window. "Am I?" he asked.

Shadows wrapped around the window. "There! That should warn us if anyone tries to break in."

He stared at the now blotted out window with unease.

I sighed and summoned a little chic plush. It'd been with me for as long as I could remember. Think it was my dad who had given it to me.

Rhys snatched it from my hands and smiled. "Tortorchi!" he yelled, hugging it.

"H-how do you know its name?" I asked.

He glance up at me with those big blue eyes of his and blinked. "Looks like one," he said, smiling.

Did he mean it looked like that would be its name or was tortorchi a thing I didn't know about?

My eyes lingered on the kid. He reminded me a bit of someone. Think it was my dad... Papa... Why didn't you return for me? Did something bad happen to you and the others?

My arms wrapped around Rhys.

"Hmm?" he said. "Are you scared too?"

My arms slowly loosened their hold on him. "No, it's... I felt a sudden urge to hug something."

He smiled. "It's fine to hug me!" His arms wrapped around me.

This warmth, it felt... so familiar.


White mist surrounded me. I stood in what looked like a void. Rhys was nowhere to be seen.

"Is this a dream?" I asked. Seemed I was more tired than I had thought. Suddenly, a black haired teen appeared in front of me.

"Stay here, Sowk. I'll come back for you once this is over," he said, smiling slightly.

"B-brother..." He dissolves into black mist. "Brother! Come back!" I yelled, running toward the mist. "Brother..." I fell to my knees and punched the white floor. "Why didn't you return? Big brother?"

A hand patted my head.

"Are you crying?" a voice called out. It sounded like Papa...

My eyes darted up but there was nothing. "Papa?" I asked, glancing around. "Papa? Papa? Where are you? Papa!"


"Wake up, Sowk, wake up," a voice called out.

"P-Papa?" I asked.

I opened my eyes and saw Rhys staring at me with concern.


"You okay? Sounded as if you were having a nightmare," he said, furrowing his brow. "You were even crying."

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