Episode 47: Ready to Set Sail!

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"Bye, good luck," Iah said, waving farewell as we stood in a red room with golden phoenix statues. In the center of the room was a large floating crystal.

Nyima turned around and smiled. "No need. I'll make it to those games with my own skills and defeat that girlfriend of yours in my own way."

Iah sighed. "Ex. She isn't my girlfriend anymore, and to be honest, I regret ever making her that."

"I feel sorry for you to be honest," Nyima said, punching him lightly in the chest. "Even a flirt like you deserves someone better."

The prince looked away. "T-thanks, I think."

Nyima chuckled as she walked back toward the glowing crystal. "Lei, come, let's go home."

I ran ahead only to be surprised by her grabbing my hand. I felt my face heat up slightly. Though I also felt as if daggers were coming at me from the direction of Iah.

I turned around and smiled nervously. "See ya, Iah!"

"Yeah, see ya later! Hopefully you will gain enough strength to back up those words of yours," he said, putting a hand on his hips.

I turned and chuckled. "Oh, you'll see!" I waved good-bye.

Nyima and I stepped into the crystal and were surrounding by a vortex of color which rushed past us almost in an instant. Before we knew it, we found ourselves in a black room with a dull brown crystal. Standing around us were my siblings and our other fellow Wahkanians.

"Lei!" Yen and Kun yelled, running over to hug me.

"We missed you, little bro!" Kun said, messing up my hair.

"Let go you two, you're embarrassing me!" I yelled.

"About time you arrived," Ayawamat said, glaring at us. Kun and Yen let go of me and stared my old bully down.

"Were you worried about us?" Nyima asked with a teasing smile.

Ayawamat scoffed. "As if. Like I would ever worry about a pair of losers."

Yuzuki glared at Ayawamat. "I hope that we get to face off," she said with a large grin.

"I'll like to be the one who faces him," Nyima said.

Houta chuckled. "Wow, Aya. Since when were you so popular with the ladies?"

Ayawamat shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure, but I'm not surprised."

Sowk giggled. "So full of yourself, aren't you?" the goth girl asked as she nudged Ayawamat on the side.

"Hey!" a voice called out. We all turned to look at the door and saw Orion walk in alongside a lanky young man wearing glasses and a young woman with long red hair.

"Orion, you made it!" his roomates, the twins yelled.

"Sorry I'm late, there were issues with our train," Orion said, laughing nervously.

Ayawamat scoffed. "Yet another loser." His cool blue eyes gazed around the place. "Say, where is the prince?"

I looked around. He was right, there was no sign of Wanikiya nor was there any for Nahimana and Zelde.

"He's here," Nahimana said as Zelde and her held the doors open. In walked Wanikiya dressed in deerskin robes and with a crown of feathers. Alongside him was his father, Grand Chief Makya. He had on a red cape and wore all of his necklaces.

"Welcome everyone, nice to see all of you present. I have some special news to share with you all about the games."

That got all of our attention.

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