Episode 102: A Muted Light

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After the battle between Sarah and Aida, Sarah's friends, my sister, and I rushed to Viento Hospital.

"Princess," Fai-Jie said, staring at the unconscious princess from behind a glass wall as the medics attempted to heal her.

"How is my sister doing?" his highness asked as he rushed over. His eyes widened as soon as he saw her. The princess' face and body was covered in thick scars and blood. She was barely recognizable.

"Auntie!" Ecelaph yelled as he ran through the hall. His mother frantically chased after the five-year-old.

"Ecelaph! Wait!" the queen yelled.

"Ecelaph, why are you here?" the king asked, turning to look at his son.

The boy's eyes began to turn watery as he looked into his dad's sea-blue eyes. "Papa, why are you crying? I-is auntie okay?"

He turned to his left. A piercing scream filled echoed across the entire building.

"N-no. Auntie Sarah! Auntie..." He fell to his knees. "W-what did they do to you auntie..." Tears dripped down his face. "Auntie..."

"Ecelaph," his mother said, hugging him tightly. "She'll be fine." She glanced up at her husband. "Right, Qing?"

The king closed his eyes. He knew that her pulse was weak. She could depart from this world at any moment.

"She..." His majesty closed his eyes tightly as he placed his hands against the glass wall.

"Sarah," the queen said, glancing over at her. She turned away and let out a choked cry.

"Auntie," Ecelaph said, continued to stare at his dying aunt. "Auntie... please don't die. Y-you promised me that you would teach me water magic. Auntie..."

"There's nothing we can do but pray," my sister said. "May Shuilong protect her."

"Shuilong," the king said, closing his eyes. "Why did this happen? First my parents and now Sarah... have you forsaken us?"

"Curses," Kun said, punched a hole in the wall.

"Calm down, Kun," Lei said, touching his shoulder.

"How do you expect me to calm down that girl nearly killed Sarah! To make it worse, the officials didn't stop it until it got to this point!" Kun yelled at them.

Lei backed away. He seemed to shrink in front of his older brother's fury.

"Kun, don't yell at Lei!" Yen said.

Kun gasped and averted his eyes. "Sorry, Lei."

"It's fine," Lei said, looking down as well. "I know how you feel." He clenched his hands into fists.

"Her life force, is still weak," Arima said.

Nahimana nodded. "Yeah."

"No!" Ecelaph screamed. "Auntie! Please don't die! You're stronger than this!"

"Ecelaph, please don't scream," the queen said as she continued to hug him. Tears stained her face. "Your aunt will be fine. You'll see."

Adela stood in the edge of the hall frantically working on something.

"W-what's that?" Lei asked, walking over to her.

"I'm going to save Sarah," Adela said, her eyes in deep focus. "Everyone, please keep quiet."

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