A 'normal' day at school

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That's my first story so please be nice. I hope you like my story.

Shadow woke up and looked at his alarm clock. 'And another day in my living hell begins.' Shadow thought as he stood up and walked into the bathroom to get ready for school. He took of his t-shirt, looked into the mirror and sight.  He had a few bruises on his upper body and arms because his father beat him the day before. His father already got to work before Shadow woke up so Shadow was alone in the house. "Why can't I have a normal family?" Shadow said as he put on a new shirt and walked into the kitchen. "I better hurry." Shadow said, grabbed an apple and his bag and walked out of the house.

Shadow stood in front of his school, thinking if he should wait to go in now or if he should wait a bit longer but his thought got interrupted by a very well-known voice. "Hey looks who we have here." someone said and grabbed Shadow by his arm and Shadow flinched. "What do you want Scourge?" Shadow asked and looked Scourge into the eyes. Fiona, Jet, Wave, Storm and Sally where standing behind Scourge. "Hehehe, nothing much, just wanted to warn you to watch your back." Scourge said and pushed Shadow to the ground. 

Shadow is perfectly capable to defense himself because he trains a lot and is really muscular but one against three isn't fair. "Better don't come in my sight emo-hog." Scourge said and kicked him in the stomach. Shadow flinched and Scourge and his gang just laughed and went into the school. Scourge's gang always makes fun of Shadow and beats him up during the lunch break. The other students just ignore him because they think that he's emo. 

Shadow stood up and walked into the school and to his locker to get his books. He quickly went to his classroom to avoid being caught by Scourge's gang again. 

*time skip*

The bell rang and the students ran out of the class and to the cafeteria. Shadow wasn't in a hurry because he knew that nobody would want him to sit with them. He took his apple out of his back and leaned against the wall in the cafeteria. He sometimes listens into others conversations if they pass him. "Have you already heard the news? A new student will come here tomorrow." a green fox-girl said. "I already heard about that. I'm so excited." a silver wolf replied. 'A new student? Maybe I can be friends with her.' Shadow thought but shook his head a second after he thought about a friend. 'Who am I kidding. Nobody will ever be friends with me.' Shadow thought and went off without looking where he was going until he bumped into someone. The other person has all of his food on his shirt and Shadow backed off knowing who he ran into. "You'll regret this." Scourge said and stood in a fighting stance. "Fight, fight, fight ..." Scourge's gang yelled and a few seconds later all students in the cafeteria were yelling 'fight'. 

Shadow was now also standing in a fighting stance and looked at his enemy. Scourge wanted to hit Shadow in the face but Shadow dodged and hit Scourge in the face instead. 'That's much easier if he is fighting alone against me.' Shadow thought and looked at Scourge who fall backwards because of the impact. "Now I'm angry." Scourge said and ran into Shadow and both were continuing their fight while rolling around on the floor and hitting each other. 

All people in the cafeteria were still yelling 'fight' until two teachers came and separated the two fighting hedgehogs. "Shadow, Scourge to the principal, immediately." the elder of the two teachers said. "Yes sir." both hedgehogs said at the same time and went to the office of the principal. "Just wait. When school's over I'll beat you up that you wish you would never have been born." Scourge whispered and Shadow gulped. "Great." he thought and went into the office after Scourge and one of the teachers. 

After ten minutes of explaining what happened the principal said "Detention, both of you. And now go back to your class, the break is already over." Both hedgehog nodded and went back to their class. 'I'm sure that father isn't happy when I come back later.' Shadow thought worried and entered his classroom. 

*time skip*  

The bell rang and Shadow took his stuff and went out of the classroom. 'Finally. I thought school would never end.' Shadow thought and went to his locker. As he passed the principal'office he saw a white bat girl waiting inside. The white bat also saw Shadow and smiled at him causing Shadow to blush. Shadow who noticed his blush quickly continued walking to the front door of the school.  

'Was that the new student? ... She looks nice and cute.' Shadow thought and forgot about Scourge's words until he saw his gang. "Oh great." Shadow whispered and was about to went into an other direction. "Shadow where do you think you're going?" Fiona asked as she stood already behind him. "Home and now leave me alone." Shadow hissed and turned back but was met with Scourge's fist instead of freedom and Shadow fell on the ground holding his aching cheek. "Now let's teach him a lesson." Scourge said and smiled evilly while cracking his knuckles.

Shadow wanted to stand up but was hold back by Jet and Storm. "Let me go." Shadow hissed and tried to get free of their grips but failed. Scourge got closer to Shadow but before he could hit him, Shadow kicked him in the stomach and Scourge fell on the ground. Jet punched Shadow in the stomach. As Shadow tried to get air back into his lungs, Scourge got up and pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket. "I think you haven't learned your lesson yet." Scourge hissed and was about to cut Shadow as he got interrupted by a female voice. 

.... Cliffhanger (I'm so mean)

I hope you like the story so far. Please vote and comment this chapter. Also follow me if you want. I'll try to update at least once a week. Until next time.

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