don't leave me

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IMPORTANT: I do NOT own the video or the picture!!!
Song: 'Not gonna die' by Skillet
Yay over 600 reads.
Thanks for your votes and comments, I really appreciate it.  

Rouge closed the bathroom door and heard as the front door got opened. Rouge looked at Shadow who sat shivering on the bathroom floor across the door. "Shadow I'm back!" Mephiles yelled and Shadow began even more to shake. Rouge pulled her cell phone out and sent a text message to her mother.

*text message*

call the police and the ambulance and 
send them to Shadow's house

Okay, I hope you're okay

*end of conversation*

Rouge read the text message and put her cell phone back into her pocket. Thanks to Rouge's sensitive hearing she heard Mephiles walking into the cellar. "Rouge, what should we do? He'll find us and then we are death, literally." Shadow whispered in a weak voice. Rouge looked around as she got an idea. "Don't worry I've got a plan." Rouge replied with a small smile on her face.

"SHADOW COME OUT IMMEDIATELY OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!"  Mephiles shouted and ran back upstairs.

"Shadow what ever he'll do don't let him know that I'm here as well." Rouge whispered after she explained her plan and Shadow just nodded before his father heard them. Rouge heard as Mephiles slammed Shadow's bedroom door shut. Shadow's breathing became quicker as he heard his father's footsteps coming closer. Without noticing it Shadow stood up and hold his breath as Mephiles opened the door.  

Mephiles laid eyes on Shadow and slowly walked to his son. "How did you get out of the room?" Mephiles asked angrily. Shadow returned the glare and wasn't as much shivering as he was before. Mephiles noticed Shadow's confidence and got even angrier. Before Shadow could react Mephiles took him by the neck and hold him up against the wall. 

Rouge sat on top of the closet and held the first aid kit in her hands, waited for the perfect moment."Answer my question." Mephiles shouted as Shadow tried to get free but he hasn't the strength to do so because of blood loose. "Dad I can't breath." Shadow whispered but this time Mephiles didn't let go of him. Shadow's sight started to blur and he new that he'll soon black out.


Mephiles fall to the floor and took an almost unconscious Shadow with him. "Have fun in prison!" Rouge said before she rushed to Shadow's side and pulled him away from Mephiles. "Shadow are you okay?" Rouge asked worried as she saw Shadow taking deep breath. "Rouge?" Shadow whispered and took her hand. Rouge looked him into the eyes and Shadow looked into hers. Shadow began to cough and Rouge noticed that he coughed up blood as he pulled his hand away. "Shadow? ... Why's that damn ambulance taking so long!" Rouge replied worried and angry. "I-I w-want you to k-know tha-that I l-love you." Shadow said in a whisper and Rouge had a mix of worry and happiness in her eyes. Their faces where just a few inches away from each other. "I love you too." Rouge replied before their lips met. 

Shadow completely forgot about his aching body and felt happy for once in his live. Rouge feelings were a mix of excitement and happiness. Rouge could feel Shadow's heartbeat as Shadow pulled her to his body. Rouge began to cry as she felt Shadow's heartbeat slowing down and his grip got weaker. Shadow then pulled away and began to take deep breath again. 

"Shadow?" Rouge asked concerned. "Goodbye." Shadow whispered with a small smile on his face before his eyelids were about to close. "No, no, no, no, you won't leave me. Look at me. You have to stay awake, help is on the way." Rouge said as she heard the sirens of the police and ambulance driving down the street. Shadow smiled at her and closed his eyes falling into unconsciousness. Rouge hugged him and didn't let go of him as long as she can feel his heartbeat. Suddenly the doors flew open and two officers came into the bathroom. "Quick take him outside. He needs medical treatment." Rouge cried and the police man did what they were told. Rouge was walking behind them and never looked away from her beloved friend. Concern was written on her face as she walked outside and to the car. 

They brought Shadow into the ambulance car and a ambulance man put a breathing mask on Shadow. Rouge set down beside him and hold his hands while the man treat one of Shadow's more serious injuries. 

"I'll come back I swear!!! And than I'll get you and your -" Mephiles yelled as the police man pulled him into the police car. Rouge didn't hear the end of the sentences because they started driving and she was more worried about Shadow at the moment. Without noticing she started crying.

*time skip*

Doctors rushed to the emergency room with Shadow as soon as they came to the hospital. Rouge was following them all the way until two nurses blocked her way. "I'm sorry miss but you have to wait outside." one of the nurses said and Rouge started crying again. "But he needs me." "Sorry miss but you would just stay in the way of the doctors!" the other nurse said and Rouge finally gave in. "Fine." Rouge said annoyed and sat down in a chair in the waiting room. Her eyes never left the doors the doctors went through with Shadow. 'Please be okay, please be okay, ...' was the only thing Rouge could think right now.

"Rouge!" someone said and hugged her. Rouge jumped a bit in surprise as she got pulled out of her thoughts. "Mom? What are you doing here?" Rouge asked surprised and Luna whipped Rouge's tears away. "I got a call from the hospital. They said that you and your friend got here and I had to make sure you're okay." Luna replied and looked her daughter up and down to find any injuries. "Mom don't worry, I'm fine." Rouge said and teared up again as she thought about Shadow. 

Suddenly the doors opened and one of the nurses from before came into the room. "Is he okay? Can I see him?" Rouge asked worried and let go of her mom.

I'm sorry if there are many mistakes in there. I couldn't get my mind off of a few problems I'm dealing right now but I also didn't want to let you guys wait much longer. I hope you like the chapter anyway. Until next time.

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