Afternoon plans

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Hi, sorry for not updating for such a long time. I was kinda depressive the last week and then my laptop didn't work. Anyway thanks so much for all the votes and comments, they really cheered me up. 

The bell rang and Shadow and Rouge walked out of the class and to their lockers. "Shadow?" Rouge asked as she closed her locker. "Yes?" Shadow replied. "Do you want to go and eat some ice cream in the mall?" Rouge asked. "Sure but I have to ask my dad first." Shadow replied and smiled at her. "Great. Is it okay if I come with you?" Rouge said excited while the two walked out of the school. "Sure, I would love you to come with me." Shadow said and smiled at her. 'When somebody is with me than my dad won't hurt me.' Shadow thought and Rouge took Shadow's hand. 

*time skip*

Shadow opened the door and he and Rouge entered the house. "Dad, I'm home." Shadow said but got no answer. "Maybe your dad isn't home." Rouge said and Shadow looked at her. 'Dad isn't home that means he wouldn't notice that I wasn't home.' Shadow thought and turned back to Rouge. "Okay then let's go to the mall and eat some ice cream." Shadow replied and Rouge nodded cheerfully. Shadow took his keys and locked the door before they went to the mall.

Shadow's father looked out of the window and watched Shadow as he went away with a white bat. "I'll enjoy the evening." Mephiles said with an evil smirk and closed the curtains. 

*time skip*

Shadow payed for the ice cream he and Rouge ordered, before the two went into the park and sat down to enjoy their ice cream. Shadow had chocolate and Rouge strawberry. "How's your ice cream Shadow?" Rouge asked. "It's great and yours?" Shadow answered. "It's delicious. ... You okay? You look like something's troubling you." Rouge replied. "Wh- Yeah I'm fine." Shadow answered. 'Was it really a good idea do go with her.' Shadow thought and didn't notice that Rouge asked him a question. "Hey Shadow!" 'What is this guy thinking all the time.' Rouge thought and she grabbed his shoulder to get his attention. Shadow jumped and grabbed his aching shoulder as he stepped a few steps away from Rouge. "What's wrong?" Rouge asked worried as she too stood up. "Nothing, I'm fine." Shadow replied but Rouge didn't believe him. "Yeah that's exactly what it looks like." Rouge said and took Shadow's hand and wanted to touch his shoulder again but Shadow backed off. "Take your shirt off. I want to see your shoulder!" Rouge ordered. "Why should I?" Shadow asked and backed further away from Rouge. "If your shoulder is okay then you would't back off." Rouge said and took his hands again. "Please Shadow." Rouge begged and Shadow finally gave in. "Fine but somewhere more private." Shadow said and Rouge nodded. "We can go to my house. My mom isn't home yet and it's just two blocks away." Rouge said. "Fine. Whatever makes you happy." Shadow replied and the two went to Rouge's house.

*time skip*

"And now take your shirt off." Rouge ordered after she closed the door. Shadow did what he was told and took his shirt off. Rouge blushed as she saw Shadow's muscular body. "Are you going to stare at me forever?" Shadow asked and blushed a bit too. "N-NO!" Rouge replied and blushed even more. Rouge went to Shadow's side and gasped at what she saw. "Shadow .... Who did this to you." Rouge asked shocked as she saw the brand mark on Shadow's shoulder. Shadow stayed silent and looked away. "Did Scourge and his gang do this to you?" Rouge asked. "No." Shadow said. "Then who did it?" Rouge asked as she faced Shadow but Shadow stayed silent again. "Shadow please answer me." Rouge begged but he was still not answering. "Fine, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but we have to treat your wound." Rouge replied and Shadow nodded. 

After two minutes Rouge returned with rubbing alcohol, cotton balls and bandages. "Here that should help you." Rouge said and placed the subjects on the kitchen table. "Sit down." Rouge ordered and Shadow did what he was told. 'Should I tell her that my father did th---' "Argh, hey what are you doing." Shadow hissed after he was pulled out of his thoughts by Rouge. "Sorry Shadow, I warned you that it will sting but you didn't give me an answer so I just started." Rouge said with a apologizing look on her face. Shadow stayed silent again. "I'll continue now." Rouge warned but this time she waited until Shadow nodded. 

After five minutes she took the bandages and wrapped them around Shadow's upper body and shoulder. "My father did this." Shadow whispered and Rouge immediately stopped. "What!" Rouge asked shocked. "My father did this yesterday." Shadow replied with a sad look on his face. "Why don't you go to the police?" Rouge asked. "He said he would come back and hunt me down." Shadow said and faced the wall again. "Shadow you have to tell this somebody." Rouge said and finished her work. "I can't." Shadow said. "Okay fine, but when he tortures you again please tell me. I'll be happy to help you." Rouge said and smiled at Shadow. "I will." Shadow replied and put his shirt back on. "I think I should go home before my dad finds out that I wasn't home." Shadow said and Rouge nodded.

"Shadow wait." Rouge said before Shadow walked out of her house. She went after him and kissed him on the cheek. Shadow blushed as well as Rouge. "See you tomorrow." Rouge said and closed the door behind him. "See you tomorrow Rouge." Shadow said with a small smile on his face.

Rouge leaned against the door with a big smile on her face as she heard what he said. 'I hope you'll be okay.' Rouge thought and then went into her bedroom to talk to Amy.

*time skip*

Shadow entered his house and looked around. 'I think he's still not home.' Shadow thought but then the door was closed behind him and Shadow started to shiver. "Well, well, well! Look who finally decided to come back!" his father said. "Dad, I can explain --" Mephiles slapped him and Shadow fell to the floor holding his bleeding cheek. Mephiles looked at his hand and saw that there was blood on his ring and smiled. "I don't want to hear your explanations. I know exactly what you did. And now *Mephiles took his son's arm roughly and Shadow shivered even more* it's time for punishment!"

What will Mephiles do to Shadow, find out in the chapter, which I hopefully finish today

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