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I'm so sorry for letting you wait for this chapter so long. I had depressions and did nothing the last days (except going to school) ... I hope you enjoy the chapter.
IMPORTANT: I do NOT own the pic up there!!!

"Is he okay? Can I see him?" Rouge asked worried and let go of her mom.

The nurse smiled and nodded. "Your friend lost a lot of blood but we were able to rescue him." the nurse said and Rouge smiled slightly. "He's really weak and asleep right now but I'm sure he would be happy to see you as soon as he wakes up." the nurse informed her and Rouge hugged her mother. "Mom did you hear that Shadow is going to be okay." Rouge said happily and let go of her mother again. "Can you bring me to his room?" Rouge asked and the nurse nodded. "Sure. Follow me." she said and smiled happily at the overjoyed bat-girl. The nurse started walking and Rouge followed her until she got stopped from her mother. "I'm so proud of you. *Luna hugged her daughter* I'll wait here for you." Luna said and let go of Rouge. "Thanks mom, see you later." Rouge said and continued her way with the nurse.

The nurse stopped in front of a door and faced Rouge. "That's his room. If he wakes up please call a doctor so we can ask him a few questions." the nurse said and nodded. "I'll and thank you again." Rouge replied and smiled at the nurse before she opened the door. 

There wasn't much in the room, just a bed with devices beside it, and a bedside table next to it and a window. There was also a small TV on the wall and a chair next to the bed. On the bed laid Rouge's beloved boyfriend covered in bandages and an IV in his hand. Rouge walked next to the bed and fall down to her knees. She took Shadow's hand in hers and started to cry again but this time she cried of happiness. "Oh Shadow, I'm so glad you survived." Rouge whispered between sobs. "Please wake up soon. I want to see your eyes again." She said and laid her head on the bed. 

*with Shadow*

Shadow could just see black around him and his whole body was aching. He didn't know if he was awake or asleep but he could hear a voice in the distance. "Where am I? Am I dead?" Shadow asked himself. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the voice again. "Who's there?" Shadow asked and searched for the person he had heard before his head started to spin and Shadow fall to his knees. He heard the voice again. "I'm so glad you survived." the voice said and Shadow knew who the voice belonged to. "Rouge!" Shadow said before he blacked out.

*with Rouge*

Rouge eyes opened as she felt Shadow's grip tightened. "Rouge?" Shadow whispered and Rouge had now a big smile on her face. "Shadow!" Rouge said happily and stood up. Shadow's eyes opened and he put a hand on his head because his head was spinning. "Argh, where am I?" Shadow asked as his sight got clearer. "You're in a hospital and I'm so glad you're awake and still alive." Rouge said and hugged Shadow. Shadow hugged back ignoring the pain in his upper body and hands. "Thanks!" Shadow whispered and smiled slightly. Rouge let go of Shadow and Shadow laid back down on the pillow. "I'll be back in a minute. I have the get a doctor because they want to ask you a few questions." Rouge informed him and Shadow nodded and closed his eyes again.

Rouge went out of the room and saw the same nurse from before. "Excuse me. *Rouge walked to the nurse* Shadow woke up a minute ago." Rouge informed the nurse. "I'll be there in a minute." the nurse said and walked off to get a doctor. Rouge ran back to Shadow's room and sat down beside him. A few minutes of waiting later a doctor entered the room.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked and stood in front of the bed with a clipboard in his hand. "Like I've gone through hell and back." Shadow replied and Rouge smile faded. "How long do I have to stay here?" Shadow asked before the doctor could reply on his comment. "You will stay here at least for a week. You were really lucky because you almost died on us." the doctor replied and Rouge gasped. "But he will be okay right?" Rouge said worried. "Sure he'll be okay but you have to make sure that he gets a lot of fluid when you're out of here." the doctor said and Rouge nodded. The doctor turned around but got stopped before he could walk out of the room.  

"Can I stay here for the night?" Rouge asked the doctor. "Sure you can, if Shadow is okay with that." the doctor said and Shadow and Rouge smiled at each other. "I would love her to stay by my side." Shadow replied and the doctor smiled at the two lovebirds. "Could you tell my mom that I'll stay here. She's waiting in the waiting room." Rouge asked and the doctor nodded again and left.

"Do you know what happened to my dad?" Shadow asked all of a sudden as Rouge joined him in bed. "He was taken into prison and he will stay there for a long time." Rouge said before she closed her eyes. 

*somewhere else*

It was raining outside and there was a building which was a prison. Mephiles sat in a cell and looked at the ceiling. Anger was written all over his face and his fists were clenched together. "I'll get out of her and you and your little girlfriend would wish you never met. I'll get my revenge!" Mephiles thought angryly as an evil smile formed on his lips when he thought about his revenge.

The End ?

I'm not satisfied with that chapter ... Anyway  you may have noticed that this was the last chapter of this story. It's up to you if I should write a sequel or not. So please write me in the comments
I hope you liked the story. 

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