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I set my glass of water down on my desk, pondering what to do. I have three available options. I can either:

1.) Calmly walk up to the stranger and ask what he needs from me.

2.) Call the police, and have him arrested for possible breaking and entering into private property.

3.) Beat the stranger up until he tells me who he is and why he's here.

I decide to go with option number three as I run right up to the green haired, glowing winged person, and slap him across the face. As soon as he picks himself up, I grab him by the collar.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you want with me?" I demand, angrily.

The guy puts his hands up, as if he's used to this kind of treatment. "Jeez, calm down." He orders me.

I glare at him. "A stranger with weird hair and glowing wings somehow broke into my house and you're telling me to 'calm down'?" I shriek in disbelief.

"Weird hair?" He says, insulted by my accusation. When he sees my razor like glare, he sighs in defeat. "I'm Min Yoongi." He tells me.

I loosen my grip on him, enough for him to able to freely breathe, yet not enough for him to wiggle free. "That still doesn't explain why you're here." I cross my arms.

Yoongi stares up at me, then at the ground. "If you let me go, then I can explain." He tells me.

I raise my eyebrows in suspicion. "How do I know that you won't leave?" I question.

"Well I wouldn't be here in the first place had I not been looking for you." Yoongi assures me. However I stubbornly refuse to  let go of my grip on him.

"Talk." I command.

"Do you remember how you saved someone from a possible near death car crash two weeks ago?" Yoongi inquires.

I actually hadn't saved her. I'd merely tripped over her, knocking her out of death's way, as the car passed right by her. However, I don't tell Yoongi that because what he's saying could end up being beneficial for me.

I nod silently. "Yeah, someone named Park Seo Hye from class three I think." Warily, I completely let go of him, and he falls to the ground.

Yoongi picks himself up, and nods impatiently. "Well anyway, since you saved Seo Hye's life, you're granted thirteen wishes, and me, your guardian angel, to use at your dispense."

Yoongi then automatically recoils, as if expecting something from me.

I frown. "What're you expecting me to do?" I ask annoyedly.

"I don't know, maybe for you to hit me." He shrugs.

"And why would I do that?"

"You... seem like the type." Yoongi answers hesitantly.

I smirk. "I do, don't I?" I say aloud, baring my teeth.

When I turn my attention back to Yoongi, I see him staring at me a little oddly.

Feeling mildly confused, I shoot him a dirty look. "What?" I snap at him.

Yoongi shakes his head. "It's just that I'm a little surprised." He replies.

"Surprised at what?"

"That you seem to believe me, and how quickly and effortlessly it took me to convince you that I am an angel." Yoongi responds.

I cock my head at him. "Why wouldn't I believe you?" I inquire.

Yoongi bites his lip, as if contemplating if his answer is appropriate. "It's just that I expected you to be somewhat less trustful."

I heavily roll my eyes at him. "Stereotypes." I scoff. "Besides, it's a win-win situation for me. If you really are an angel as you say you are, then that means that I really have thirteen free wishes to use all to myself." I explain. "And if you're lying... Then I can have fun beating the hell out of you, and call the police on you for breaking and entering private property."

At my precise explanation, Yoongi looks horrified. "Is she that heartless?" He mutters to himself, but I hear him.

"Anyway," Yoongi continues, "onto rules." He snaps his fingers, and something that remotely resembles a phone appears.

"Aren't the rules usually supposed to be written out on parchment?" I arch my eyebrows skeptically.

"We angels have no time to be spending on writing." Yoongi says. Then he hands me his 'phone'.

After I finish reading—skimming—over the rules, I hand Yoongi his phone back.

"So..." my voice trails off. "...you're my  servant, huh?"

Yoongi nods enthusiastically, and his wings copy his attitude. "Yup."

Beginning to form a very brilliant plan in mind, I simpler deviously. "This is going to be great." I announce, excitedly.

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