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The next morning, I find myself strangely wake up at six thirty am. I sit up in my bed, and yawn, checking the date on my phone. Great... I think sarcastically. It's a Saturday. "Just my luck, seriously." I grumble.

"Didn't you wish to be more punctual, and to be able to able to wake up earlier?" Says a voice, and my eyes widen when I see Yoongi sitting on my bed next to me.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I whisper shout, in order not to alarm my dad.

"I—um—teleported here?" Yoongi responds, shrugging.

"Get out." I command, feeling somehow cheated and violated.

Yoongi pouts, frowning. "Please let me stay here?" He begs.

He has some nerve even asking me. I shake my head, glaring at him. "Get. Out. Now." I growl.

"Okay." Yoongi finally gives in, and swirls into a puff of smoke. When the smoke clears out, he's gone.

"Miss, are you alright? I thought I heard you talking to someone." One of the maids asks me from behind the door, sounding concerned.

"I'm fine!" I roar, feeling frustrated. I crawl back into my bed, wishing that I could fall asleep again. Apparently this counts as a wish, as I find myself drifting off to sleep.


"Wanna hang out?" I text Eun Ji and Jin Rin on a group chat that I'd created a few weeks earlier due to homework questions.

Eun Ji responds saying that she can't because she's grounded, and Jin Rin apologizes telling me that she's currently at her aunt's house.

After seeing their disappointing responses, I find myself feeling semi disheartened. I shrug. "Don't worry about shit," I tell myself, attempting to force the disappointment to disappear.


On Monday, once I get to school, I find a pair of eyes boring into my back.

Feeling annoyed and somewhat flustered, I turn around to catch the culprit. It's Seung Hyun, and I growl under my breath in irritation when I see him quickly look away. I calmly walk over to him, and slap him in the face.

When Seung Hyun recollects himself, he looks neither angry nor annoyed, but more so hurt. "J–Ji Yeon, why did you do that?" He inquires, a look of betrayal flashing in his eyes.

Why the hell does he look so upset? I wonder. Seung Hyun doesn't just look upset at the fact that I slapped him, but the emotion looks as if it has some deep roots. As if he's personally hurt by this.

"Because I felt like it." I shrug airily, and walk away leaving Seung Hyun staring at me in utter disbelief and puzzlement.


After I buy my lunch, I sit at my usual lunch table, waiting for Eun Ji and the rest to gather here. I pick at the food, feeling bored.

"Why're you so mean to Seung Hyun?" I hear Yoongi's voice.

I smack the air beside me, and hear a satisfying slap in the face to the person that just spoke to me. "Because I can be. Why do you care?" I hiss.

Yoongi looks at me, not understanding. "But why would you be—" his sentence is cut off.

I roll my eyes. Naïve fool. I think. "I told you, because I can. Now leave me alone."

"Can I sit with you?" Yoongi questions, peering at me nervously. He brushes a piece of his bangs to the side of his forehead, awaiting my answer.

I scorn. "Obviously not. Go find someone else to bother." I tell him dismissively.

Yoongi, looking disappointed, nods. Then he walks away, leaving a gloomy atmosphere trailing behind him.

"Who's that?" Min Ho's voice sounds.

I turn to my left, to see Min Ho looking in Yoongi's direction.

"He's a new person in my class." I reply, scowling.

"Did he bother you again?" Eun Ji questions, referring to yesterday.

I nod. "Yeah, he's been a real pain in the ass recently."

"Looks like we might just have to put him in his place." Hyun Seung says aloud, smirking.

"Not yet," I say, shocking Jin Rin.

"Why not?" Jin Rin asks, looking lost.

I shake my head. "Let's play with him first." I respond, making the corners of Eun Ji's mouth curl up into a grin.

"That'll be fun." She says, and the way she says it makes me shudder a little. "Medusa's plans almost always succeed."

I smile, nodding. However I can't help feeling somewhat disheartened at her words. 'Almost...'

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