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"Class," my science teacher announces, tapping her foot.

Immediately the chatter dies down, and we all turn to face Mrs. Nam.

Mrs. Nam smiles one of those fake grins that teachers always seem to plaster on their face when facing student's parents. "We have a test today."

"Frick." I mutter to myself, not having been aware of an upcoming test. I raise my hand, and my teacher calls on me.

She raises her eyebrows at me. "Yes, Ji Yeon?"

"Did you ever inform us about this test?" I ask, feeling sure that we hadn't known until now.

Mrs. Nam rolls her eyes. "You've known about this since last week." She answers, seeming extremely disappointed.

I look over at Eun Ji, and mouth, did you know?

Of course I did! She mouths back. Then she coldly turns away from me, making me feel a pang of sadness.

Mrs. Nam continues, "Remember the rules—absolutely no cheating. There's no talking either. If you talk, then I'll assume you're cheating and your test will be graded as a zero." Mrs. Nam smiles that fake plastic smile again. "Anymore questions?" When everyone remains silent, she nods, satisfied.

She then proceeds to hand out the tests, answer bubble sheets, and black markers.

When I receive the test, I inwardly groan. After staring at the first question for about ten minutes, I come to a very horrifying conclusion: I'm one hundred percent going to fail. Fuck.

My eyes drift over to the other side of room, and catch sight of Yoongi. His head is bent and he's diligently marking his answer sheet. I bite the inside of my jaw enviously. How does an angel know this better than I do? Why am I such a moron?

After five more minutes of panicking, a brilliant idea pops into my mind. "I wish," I murmur, very quietly so that Mrs. Nam doesn't hear me. "I wish that I could get a perfect score on this test."


"So, how was the science test?" Yoongi asks, winking, after school ends.

I roll my eyes. "Easy." I stubbornly respond.

Yoongi giggles, his laugh sounding like one of a child's.

Feeling uncomfortable, I nod at him. "How about you? A moron like you couldn't possibly have passed that."

Yoongi shrugs, unfazed by my harsh words. "It was pretty easy, actually." He admits.

I scorn, annoyed that Yoongi found the test easy while I was struggling on the first question. "Whatever." Then, feeling grumpy, I storm off.


Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter.

Rain begins to fall from the dark night sky, so I decide to finish jogging, and I start to head back to my house.

Deeply regretting not wearing a hoodie, I race back to my house as fast as my legs will carry me.

At my front steps, stands Yoongi, fiddling around with the hem of his wet shirt.

When he sees me, he perks up, and makes his way towards me. "Ji Yeon!" He chirps, smiling happily.

Seeing his still swollen eye, I feel myself subconsciously take a step back. "W–what?" I ask, unable to hold back the stutter in my voice.

Yoongi bites his bruised lip, as if already knowing that I'll dislike his next sentence.

His lip will just get worse if he bites it. I think, wincing. I have to restrain myself from reaching out and stopping Yoongi from biting his lip. "Well, get on with your question." I snap, annoyed and confused at the brief stab of pain in my chest. God, am I having an asthma attack?

"Can I um go inside your house?" Yoongi finally blurts.

My eyes practically bulge at his words, and had I been drinking it, water would've come spewing out of my mouth. "Excuse me?"

Yoongi looks down at his feet. "I—uh—asked if I—" he starts, but I curtly cut him off.

"I heard you." I interject, shortly. "Why, is what I'm asking." I cross my arms. "Why should I let you in?"

Yoongi's face falls, and he continues looking at his feet seemingly shamefully. "Because it's raining?" He answers, his reply sounding like a question. "B–because you're a good person." Yoongi adds.

I roll my eyes. "So?" I say aloud, sarcastically. "How does you getting rained on affect me?" As I say this, I swear the rain starts to come down harder, as the light raindrops somehow turn heavier, and spear like. I sink deeper into my hood, feeling the rain sink through my sweater and onto my head

"You know," I start, taking a deep breath, "they don't call me Medusa for nothing." I then begin to walk away from Yoongi.

Yoongi grasps my arm, not allowing me to advance. The edges of his lips are blue, and he looks at me with the uttermost desperation one's eyes could possibly ever hold. He drops to his knees, both a humbling and humiliating position. "P–please?" He begs, seeming as if the desperation in his eyes is leaking into his voice. "Ji Yeon, please."

I bite my tongue, refusing to allow the strange feeling rising in my heart to overtake me. "No, I wish you would just shut up." I respond. "Fuck off." I add, my voice full of spite.

The crestfallen expression on Yoongi's face is so heart wrenchingly despairing that mere words can't ever describe it. I bite down hard on my cheek, trying my best to ignore him. For a second I almost think I see tears in Yoongi's eyes, but I shake my head, telling myself that it's just rain. I then shake his grip off of me, and walk away, leaving Yoongi still on his knees.

In the rain.


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