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"Thank you so much for bringing me to the hospital, and for letting me stay at your house." Yoongi thanks me. "I–I promise that I'll pay you back. I'll look for a jo—"

I shake my head, cutting Yoongi off. There's no way he'd be able to handle the working conditions of a human. He hasn't even graduated high school yet—the best job he would be able to get is a cashier at a convenience store. "No, don't." I tell him.

"But I owe you." Yoongi persists.

"Consider it even, for beat..." the words die in my throat when I see the desperate expression on Yoongi's face.

"Ji Yeon, don't." He begs me. "I–I don't like thinking about that."

"...for getting you sick in the first place." I switch gears of my sentence. "Idiot! You didn't let me finish my sentence!" I shout, pretending to be angry. I fight the blush of embarrassment creeping into my cheeks. I put my hand up, pretending to be about to hit Yoongi.

Unfortunately, Yoongi being Yoongi, actually believes that I'm going to hit him. He unknowingly takes a step back, closing his eyes, as if he's preparing himself for the blow.

The once playful smirk on my face fades, as I lower my arm. "Yoongi, I'm not going to hit you." I say.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi apologizes, regret in his voice. "I just—"

"I know." I cut him off, sighing. "I know." I sigh again. I truly have achieved the Medusa reputation that I've been so desperately trying to become. But why doesn't it feel as rewarding as I thought it would?


Don't. Think. About. Yoongi. I tell myself, as I run. Lately Yoongi's been on my mind a lot. I've been thinking about him for the past hour, which is far more than I've ever thought about my own family—which is quite a lot.

Yoongi's honestly so naïve and gullible that it's worrisome. It's not his fault that he's afraid of you, you did that all on your own. I think, sighing. Why, oh why, had I hurt him the way I had? Why had I hurt him in the first place?

"Because you cared more about your reputation than another's welfare, you fool." I realize, and shake my head. I start to increase my running speed, trying to match the speed of my fast beating heart.

I bite my lip. "No, Yoongi has nothing to do with me." I tell myself. I begin to run fast again, faster than I've probably ever run in my entire life. "He"—cough—"has nothing"—wheeze—"to do with me!"

By the end of my sentence, I'm coughing and wheezing so much that I have to stop running. I lock my hands at the back of my head, straightening my back. Slowly, I start to calm down, and I breathe a sigh of relief, glad that it's over.


"Where is he?" I ask one of the maids, questioning my dad's whereabouts.

"Mr. Park is currently in a meeting; he's not here." The maid lady answers, and hurries away.

My shoulders slump—I'd wanted to see my dad, but I guess not today. He's busy, he's always busy, but I know he still loves me. Or, at least he cares for me.


Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone buzzes, and I hurry to answer the facetime. "Hi, Soo Ji." I say, feebly.

My older sister smiles. "Hey." I answer with silence, not knowing what to say. "It's been awhile since we last talked, no?" Soo Ji finally says, breaking the silence.

I nod. "Yeah..." my voice trails off. The awkward silence remains, and I hurry to clear it. I note the familiar turquoise painted background where my sister is. "Why're you home, shouldn't you be at university right now?"

"No classes today." She answers, sticking her tongue out. "What about you?"

I roll my eyes. "It's Saturday." I pause. "We don't have school."

"How's the new school, by the way?"


"And you're alright too, I assume?" Soo Ji asks. "Because if you ever need someone to talk to—"

"Is that Ji Yeon you're talking to?" I hear an older woman's voice ask in the background, and recognize it as my mom.

For a few seconds, my sister doesn't reply, but merely gazes at me through the phone screen, as if in a trance. When my mom comes into view in the camera, Soo Ji smiles. "Yeah, it's Ji Yeon."

"Ji Yeon!" My mom chirps my name cheerfully.

I smile. "Hi, mom."

"How're you doing?" She asks.

"Good. Great."

"And the new school?"

I plaster a large grin on my face. "I have a lot of friends, and they really seem to like me." I tell her. "I'm pretty popular here, you know?" I add, making my mom smile, happily.

"I'm glad to hear that." Then my mom's eyes flit around, as if searching for someone. "Where's your father?"

"Busy." I answer.

"Working, I assume?" My mom guesses, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. When I nod, she sighs, rolling her eyes. Then she gets up. "Well, I have to go now, let's talk later, okay?" She leaves then, but in the background I hear her mutter, "Ji Sung; still a pompous ass, I see."

At her words, I look away, Soo Ji doing the same. Suddenly all will to talk to my sister is gone, and I announce that I have to finish homework. "Bye." I say.

Just as I'm about to end the facetime, Soo Ji blurts, "Call me if you ever need to talk, about anything, okay?" I nod in acknowledgement, then press the 'end call' button.

I sink deeper into my swivel chair, feeling a mix of emotions. And because I'm feeling that low and pathetic, I say, "I wish I wasn't lonely right now." When the feeling of loneliness still remains, I sigh, realizing how pathetic I am. I guess even wishes can't take away the disparity of life.

"What're you doing right now, Ji Yeon?" I hear, and spin around to see Yoongi sitting on my bed, tilting his head. He'd left the house this morning.

Despite myself, I feel myself smile. Wishes may not be able to cure my loneliness, but people can.

A/N: so sorry for not updating since april .°(д)°.

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