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Due to all the awesome support I've been getting I decided to post another chapter today. Thank you guys so much!

Gabriel Coleman and Nathan Griffin were escorted from the truck that had brought them to this shithole compound through a labyrinth of hallways and staircases. Gabriel tried to get his bearings and remember landmarks in case they ever needed to escape through these corridors. He could tell Nathan was trying to do the same. They were brought to a silver plated door with the number nine carved into the metal. The handler practically shoved them through the door, then made a gesture to a little boy inside. He scampered out the room, and the door slammed behind him.

"Well that was one hell of a welcome," Gabriel muttered under his breath, exchanging looks with Nathan. He sized up the girl sitting on her bed with a book in her lap.

"Hi, I'm Gabriel."

"Ellie. You two can have those bunks." She pointed to a bunk bed by the door. "All of the top lockers are taken as well as the bottom one on the right, but you guys can have your pick of the other three. Welcome." She said the last bit with a smirk, obviously overhearing what he had said before.

"Who else lives here?" Nathan asked, surveying the room. It was small, with two bunk beds lining each wall. Only four beds looked to be used.

"Jason, who just left. And Grace and Sang. They should be back soon." Fan-fucking-tastic.


"Do you know her?" Nathan and Gabriel exchanged looks. They knew of a Sang.

"No," Nathan reassured her. "That's just a unique name."

"Yeah," Ellie muttered, clearly not convinced. She went back to reading her book. The boys claimed beds, Gabriel won rock, paper, scissors and got the top bunk. They put into the lockers the few things they had been allowed to bring in with them: extra clothes, toiletries, books. As they unpacked their things, Gabriel caught whiff of something delicious. It was light and floral, feminine and addicting. He tried to sniff out where it was from, but being a siren, his nose wasn't all that great.

"It's coming from the top bunk," Nate whispered to him, jerking his head to the right. Stupid wolf senses. It was times like these Gabriel wished he had them.

"So what do you guys do for fun around here?" Gabriel asked Ellie. She glared at him.

"We don't have fun around here."

"Sorry, I'm new. Just trying to figure out what's what." Ellie sighed.

"In a little while we will have the option to go out to the yard, and we can stay there for a couple hours. Then we come back and are served dinner. Curfew is at ten. The day after fight night is meant for recovery. Tomorrow we'll all have chores to do."

The door at the back of the room creaked open, and in walked two girls. One was dark skinned with black ringlets running just past her shoulders. The other was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her blonde hair fell mid-back, but it was her eyes that captivated him. They were a haunted green, with shadows below them. Those eyes made him want to fix every every problem that girl had. He could t help but grin at the sight of her. Nathan stiffened beside him for a moment, obviously feeling it too, then he walked forward, holding out a hand for the girl. Sang. Gabriel just knew it was her.

"Shit." Nathan went ridged, his hand suspended between him and Sang. That wouldn't make a very good first impression.

"I think what this fucker meant to say," Gabriel chuckled, "is 'hello.' We're your new roommates."

"H-Hi." The girl stuttered, her eyes darting between him and Nate. When her eyes locked on his, his smile dropped.

She was his motherfucking mate!

"I'm Gabriel," he managed to stammer. Gabriel practically shoved Nathan out of the way to be closer to her. And perhaps in part to get him the hell away from her. She was his mate. Up close he could see claw marks running across her cheek. They were partially scabbed over but still looked fairly recent.

"What happened here?" He asked, running a finger along her jaw bone. She yanked her head back. Shit, that was stupid.

"A fight."

"Are you alright?" Nathan asked, simultaneously jabbing an elbow into Gabriel's side, causing him to grunt.

"I'm fine. It's the way it goes around here. I'm Sang, by the way."

"And I'm Grace," the other girl interjected. "Nice to meet you too."

A heavy knock sounded at the door. Sang put her fingers to her lips, anxiety rolling off of her. Grace smirked at the boys.

"Wanna go see the yard?"

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