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Sorry for no warning on the last chapter. I need to stop watching criminal minds before I write lol. This one is still kinda creepy, but not as bad... hopefully. Enjoy! 😄

I didn't know how long I'd been here. Once the torture started, minutes became hours which blended into days. All I knew was pain. My back screamed, six spikes were lodged in my torso and threaded with a silver wire over my wings. My poor, broken wings. They were the greatest source of pain, their confinement the one I most detested. I scratched against the shackles around my wrists. It would only make my fingers bleed, but at least I was doing something. At times like this, when I was left alone for hours, it was the fear that killed me. Fear that I would be left here. Fear no one would come back and I'd rot to death.

"Breakfast," a pleasant female voice announced, breaking me from my isolation. A girl with jagged shoulder-length hair strode in, flanked by handlers. The tray she carried held scrambled eggs and toast. I wanted to laugh. They were feeding me better than they did when I was a fighter. I stared at the girl. She had delivered me a few meals before. The first time she had nearly dropped the tray she shaking so bad.

"Thank you," I rasped.

She set the tray on a small work table shoved into a corner and dragged it closer to me.

"Open," she commanded softly. I parted my lips and she shoved a fork full of eggs into my mouth. I chewed then opened for another bite. They only fed me this much when they were planning something horrible. I would need all the strength I could get.

After the girl was finished and one of the handlers escorted me to the bathroom to relieve myself, I was alone again. I tried to think of something good. My mind drifted to Gabriel and his ice blue eyes. And Nathan's bright smile. Strangely enough, I even thought of the brooding handler with his tousled dark hair and the way he was so kind to me after Jade broke my nose. Perhaps in another life I could have been friends with those boys. I could imagine us going to a movie or the park together. Something normal. Gabriel would make jokes at everyone's expense. Nathan and I would share smiles when Gabriel poked fun at the handler. Then the handler would-

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" My head snapped up at the sound of Rocky's voice. He and Jay strutted in, looking like they owned the place. And perhaps they did. How else would they have access to this part of the compound?

I didn't respond, but me eyes held his. He stopped within a foot of me. Jay remained by the door, looking out for handlers.

"Were you naughty, Sang?" Rocky drawled. "Do you need to be punished?"

"I think this is punishment enough," I said, putting all my anger into my voice. He placed a hand on my hip and squeezed roughly. I began to shake.

"Y'know, I could make this all go away. I could get you out."

"For what?" The hand on my waist slid to just below my breast.

"You've always been a hot girl, Sang. All you would have to do is be Rocky's girl." I'd rather die.

"No." his face twisted in rage. He gripped my neck, pressing a clawed finger against my artery.

"Listen, little bitch, I tried asking nicely. Rocky always get what he want, and right now Rocky want you real, real bad." His gaze dropped to my breasts and he licked his lips. A new kind of terror washed over me.

"P-please. Stop." My voice trembled. Rocky opened his mouth to reply.

"Rocky," Jay called. "We have to go. I just heard footsteps."

"I'll be back for you," Rocky snarled. "You'll be mine one way or another." He smashed his lips to mine in a slobbery, sickening kiss. I wanted to throw up. In his mouth. But then he was pulling away and looking like he won something.

The two hurried out, and seconds later a handler strolled past on her patrols. I waited another minute before I let a sob break free. Just one. I couldn't help the tears that ran down my cheeks, but I knew to be quiet about it. Once I had cried so loud, I was practically screaming. Then my torturer stabbed me in the arm. Part of me hoped they would kill me soon, just so I wouldn't have to face what Rocky promised. Because that would surly kill me in the worst way possible.

I opened my eyes to the thud of footsteps. The man who was my tormentor smiled.

"Ready for another round?"

No, but please let it end with me in pieces. At least then I won't feel anymore pain.


One more day, Gabriel Coleman thought to himself for the thousandth time. One more fucking day and Sang would be free. One more day and maybe he would be lucky enough to hold her in his arms. Because he was getting out of this shit hole too. Everyone agreed that she would need all of her mates when she got out. And they had enough information at this point. Besides, if they needed anything, Sang might be able to tell them. If she was alive. Of course she's fucking alive. She has to fucking be alive.

He ran a hand though his hair and stared at the floor he was suppose to be mopping. This girl was so much trouble. They had known each other for less than a day, yet he was still going crazy for her. So was Nathan. And North. Hell, North was the worst of them. Gabriel hadn't missed how North always kept a piece of her clothing tucked in his pocket. Though he probably shouldn't judge. Nathan and he had secretly ripped her blanket in two and he kept his half stuffed into his pillow. That way, just before he fell asleep, he could pretend she was in his bed safe and sound. But every morning he would wake up and she wasn't. And it was like a fucking punch to the gut.

"Coleman, get back to work!" Gabriel flinched, and started to mop his section with renewed vigor. One more day. She just had to hold out one more day.

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