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Hi! Do y'all remember me? It's been a while. Life got in the way and writing was put on the back burner. I know this is super short but I just really wanted to get something out there. Thank you all so much for your support! Enjoy!

Sean Green had imagined meeting his mate many times. At the hospital, in a coffee shop, during an Academy event. Every time he would sense her aura and it would feel like home. Then he would look around and make eye contact with a beautiful stranger and that would be that. They would date then get married and live happily ever after.

Never in any of his Luke-worthy fantasies did he expect to meet her as she was carried into Nathan's house, beaten half to death and high as a kite. Never did he expect the first time he touched her would be when he was pulling metal stakes from her back. And never did he think he would have to share her with any of his brothers, let alone all of them.

Sean sat on the couch, his hands still covered in Sang's silvery blood. He eyed each of the boys, trying to gauge how they were doing mentally. He was particularly worried about Silas. The Greek hadn't spoken a word since Sang arrived and he was currently staring at the floor, clenching and unclenching his fists. Though his silence wasn't uncommon, the intensity of it troubled Sean. Silas was a ticking time bomb and Sean was afraid that one wrong word could set him off. North, on the other hand, already exploded. He had taken to Nathan's outdoor furniture like a madman and was currently ripping apart his second wicker chair. The others were more or less stable, though he could tell they too had precarious holds on their control. Owen's little stunt earlier hadn't helped. Sure, he understood wanting to have a moment with Sang alone. Hell, half the reason he was pissed was because he hadn't thought to do it himself. But even if he understood, it didn't make it suck any less. He didn't like that the last image he had of her in his head was one of her crying.

Owen stormed into the living room, drawing everyone's attention.

"Dr. Green, do you have a preliminary medical report?" He barked. Though his tone was stern, Sean noticed his aura was more relaxed than it had been. Lucky bastard.

"There's not much I can know without taking her to a hospital. But besides the obvious injuries, she's malnourished and probably dehydrated. Not to mention the more than likely emotional trauma of being forced to fight for her life. And then there's the silver in her blood. It's going to complicate things."


"By all accounts her blood should be red. But because she has been exposed to cursed silver for god knows how long, it made its way through her intestinal walls and into her blood stream. There it attached itself to the magic in her blood and spread throughout the rest of her body, severely limiting her abilities. Physically and otherwise."

"What the fuck do you mean 'otherwise?'" Gabriel demanded.

Sean paused, hating to say this part but knowing he had to. "I mean, with this much silver she almost definitely won't be able to feel the mate bond— bonds for a while. At least a couple of weeks." 

The room exploded into protests. And Sean was right there with them. He had waited nineteen years for his mate, but now that he knew her, he couldn't wait a couple more week to really get to know her. Silas leaped to his feet and stalked towards Nathan's bedroom.

"Where you you think you're going?" Victor asked. "She needs to rest." He stood up, blocking Silas's path.

Uh oh.

"I'm going to check on her. Get out of my way."

"If I can't fucking see her, then you sure as shit can't either!" Gabriel protested. The others joined in, shouting their own complaints. Luke silently got up and crept towards the bedroom, only to be stopped in his tracks with a glower from Sean.

"Be quiet!" Owen cut them all off with a slice of his hand. "She's currently asleep and I want her to stay that way. Everyone sit down. Including you, Mr. Taylor. No one is going to check on her right now. It is for the best that Ms. Sorenson doesn't know she has mates. She needs time to heal and she won't get that if we overwhelm her."

"Mr. B," Nathan growled, "I'm not waiting two fucking weeks to start being her mate."

"You can and you will. We will not tell her we are her mates. Until she figures it out on her own, no one is going to pursue her romantically. Is that understood?"

His team grumbled their agreement. As annoying as it was, Owen was right.

"I hate to be this person," Kota spoke up after a minute, "but what are we going to tell the Academy? They aren't going to be happy we abandoned the mission."

"I don't give a shit about the Academy," Silas hissed. "Sang comes first."

"I didn't say she didn't!"


"We will tell them exactly what happened," Owen cut in. "Family first, and they'll understand that. However, I wouldn't say we've abandoned the assignment yet. We've come closer than any other team to figuring out the inner workings of this fight ring and shutting it down. Yes, we broke cover and left, but we have Sang. She might be able to fill in the missing pieces."

North chose that moment to stomp in, his knuckles covered in almost-healed cuts.

"Hey, North," Luke greeted him, as if talking to a kid who was about to find out his hamster just died. "Look, there's something we need to tell you about Sang."

"I fucking heard it all," he growled, glaring hard at Owen.

"Good," Owen said and gave him a look so full of ice Sean was surprised his best friend wasn't really a yeti.

This was going to be a long couple of weeks.

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