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Sorry for such a long time in between updates! Life, ya know? Anyway, I'm really tired and tried to edit this, but sorry in advance if there are any mistakes. I just really wanted to get something out to you guys. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!

"I've never had chocolate chip pancakes in my life," I admitted, blushing. Luke look at me like I had just committed a crime.

"That definitely needs to change," he replied. "Off to the kitchen!" He shot up and grabbed my hand, dragging me into a pristine kitchen. He patted the countertop, gesturing for me to sit. I hopped up and curled my wings around myself so as not to hit them on the cabinets. Luke started banging around the kitchen, throwing open cabinets and pulling out various foods and cooking tools. The other boys filed in, and Victor leaned up against the counter beside me.

"Your wings are a beautiful color," he said, making my face flush. I look at him through my eyelashes and grinned, trying to keep calm. I wasn't used to cute boys complimenting me.

"Thank you. They're usually whiter than this. It's been a couple days since I've washed them." The second the words came out I wanted to face palm myself. Great, Sang, now the cute boy thinks you have bad hygiene.

"You know, I have wings too. We should go flying together sometime."

"That sound like a ton of fun! But I might need a couple refresher courses first. It's been a couple of years since I last flew, and I wouldn't want to get caught in another tree."

"Well I would be happy to get you up to speed. And maybe teach you a few new tricks." His eyes exploded into an inferno, and I lowered my gaze. Their heat made me nervous and tingly all at once.

"I notice you don't have wings right now. Are you a shifter?"

"Phoenix. My wings are retractable." My eyes widened. I had never met a Phoenix before!

"That's amazing! I've heard about what you can do with fire. Is it true?"

"What? You mean this?" He held out his palm and a small flame flicked to life. I gasped and marveled at the little fire blooming on his palm.

"That's so cool! I always wished I could manipulate an element."

"Aggele!  Look I can do element stuff too!" Silas called, ripping my attention away from Victor's fire. Silas turned the sink on. He made a pulling motion with his hands, and the stream from the faucet bent as if a rope. It coiled around his hands, then flowed into his palm. From there the water contorted itself until it was in the shape of a rose. I let out a delighted giggle.

"Sang, do you want to see my talent?" Dr. Green asked.

"No!" Chorused eight male voices.

"Sean," Mr. Blackbourne clipped, "stabbing yourself and healing it is not how you impress people."

"Dang it," Dr. Green sighed and frowned. I hopped off the counter and walked over to him.

"You were the one who healed my wings, right?" I asked.


"I think that is very impressive. Thank you for healing me."

"Of course! If you ever hurt yourself, I'm your guy."

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