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Finals are finally over for me, so here's a celebratory chapter! Thank you guys so much for your support!

I kept glancing back at my new roommates. Something about them was different. Something about them called deep into my bones, beckoning me to something I couldn't place. Maybe it was the way they smelled, a mix of Cyprus, leather, and lavender making my head spin. Or perhaps it was their good looks. There weren't many good looking guys my age here, and those guys tended to be dangerous. Either way, these boys had my attention.

We climbed the staircase that led up to the yard in silence. I could feel the boys staring holes through my back then exchanging looks in some sort of silent communication. I kept my wings tucked in to maneuver around tight corners. At the top, the redhead, who had introduced himself as Nathan, opened the door for everyone. I mumbled a quick thanks. A blush spread onto my cheeks when I heard him inhale as I passed by. My cheeked reddened even more when a low rumble came from his chest.

I blinked a couple times, adjusting to the bright August sun. The yard wasn't much. There was a cracked and faded track for runners. Now it was only occupied by people who wanted to sunbathe without getting muddy. In the center of the track was a large grass field where people were practicing combat or talking in small groups. Handlers stood in a perimeter around the area, looking for troublemakers or trying to soak in some sun themselves. Thirty foot walls surrounded three sides of the yard, with the side of the compound acting as the fourth.

An arm slung around my shoulders and I resisted the urge to flinch. Lavender invaded my nostrils.

"Don't mind Nathan," Gabriel chucked in that wonderfully deep voice of his. "He can just be weird around cute girls." He shot me a conspiring grin. I did my best to return it.

"Shut up," Nathan grumbled beside us, making me giggle.

"Well, Grace and Elie have walked off so I think you're good," I said. They went to trade the bad food for more useful things.

"I was taking about you," Gabriel said, landing a chop to the side of my head.

"Hey! Don't hit her." Nathan practically growled. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"Fuck off, she likes it. Come on, Sang, give us a tour."

He dragged me away until we were past the track and in the grass. I pointed out people along the way: who to avoid, who was kind, and who they should never, ever mess with. Gabriel would interject from time to time, making comments about people's hair or clothes. Nathan would step a fraction closer every time I pointed out someone who looked especially intimidating. We found a spot on the grass that wasn't too damp and sat, I pulled my knees under me and spread out my wing, enjoying the way the sun felt on them.

"So," I began, feeling like I needed to start some sort of conversation. "How did you guys end up here?" The second it came out of my mouth it sounded stupid. Nice going, Sang.

"I came here to pay my step mom's debt," Gabriel muttered.

"My dad sold me into it. You?" Nathan asked, looking intently at me.

"My step mom sold me to cover her pill addiction," I whispered. "I only ask because they put the high-risk people in our room. If one of us ever got out, we would go to the police."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"So what else are you?" Gabriel asked.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"What are you? Obviously you're an angel, but your scent says there's more to it than that." Oh.

"Half angel, half vampire. What are you guys?"

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