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Owen Blackbourne had stared at the same anomaly in the the hardwood floor for the past ten minutes. It wasn't even a very interesting anomaly, simply a notch in the wood the size of a quarter. But he glowered at it like it was responsible for Sang's torture. His mate's torture. The others avoided him. He could hear them talking in hushed tones in Nathan's kitchen. They smelled anxious and he would bet everything he had that he did too. They were all waiting for the rest of the team to get back with Sang. He knew nothing except they had successfully retrieved her and were en route back to Nathan's. On the phone Kota sounded like a wreck, which only sent Owen spiraling further out of control. His tiger clawed and snarled at the tight leash Owen kept on him. His beast wanted out. He wanted to be hunting down those who would dare harm his mate. He wanted to rip them limb from limb. He wanted to claw out their intestines. He wanted-

"I can hear them pulling in!" Victor shouted, racing to the front door. Owen hurled himself to the door but halted to a stop, allowing Victor to hold the door open. He's her mate too. He needs this. You'll get your turn. But even with those thoughts, his fingernails still turned to claws.

Owen jumped at a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see the sad half-grin of Sean's.

"It's going to be alright. I'll make sure she's okay," Sean muttered in his ear. You better, Owen wanted to snarl back.

Car doors opened and slammed shut. Male shouts and growls echoed through the otherwise quiet cul-de-sac.

Nathan sprinted through the door first, carrying a battered, soaked girl in his arms. The others quickly filed in behind him. It was all Owen could do to not tear the house apart. Never again. Never was she going to feel this much pain. He wouldn't allow it.

"Fuck, Doc! Get over here!" Nathan called, seating himself on the couch and pulling Sang sideways into his lap. She had one arm wrapped around his shoulders. Her head tilted down and her chest convulsed as she cried. Gabriel was on his knees in front of her, tucking hair behind her ear and whispering reassurances.

"She... I-I... she's my-" Sean stuttered beside him, his hands shaking and eyes wide.

"I know," Owen whispered, trying his best to be gentle. "I know, Sean. It's difficult to take in but you need to go help her. You can do that." Owen practically pushed him in the direction of the living room, following closely behind. He understood it was a lot to absorb all at once, but he didn't care. All he wanted was the best medical treatment possible for Sang and he knew that's what his friend could offer. After a minute, Sean straightened his spine and came around the couch to address Sang.

"Alright," Sean projected, using his doctor voice. "Sang my name is Sean. Can you tell me who did this to you?" He picked up her long, drenched hair and lay it over her shoulder. He sat behind her, inspecting her wings. One was clearly broken, but the worse part was the silver wire wrapped around them, constricting all movement. Owen knew from Victor how much wings were valued by those that had them. And to take that away from her...

A bloodcurdling scream rang out, followed by another. Sang twisted and kicked, trying desperately to get free.

"What the fuck did you do?" North roared.

"I barely touched her!" Sean shouted. He reached a hand out and stroked her wing again, while simultaneously using cautious fingers to prod a silver ring embedded in her back holding the wire in place. Owen saw red.

"No please!" Sang cried at the touch. "Nathan! Nathan, don't let them take away my wings. Please! I'll do anything. I just want to keep my wings. Please, please, Nathan. I don't want to lose my wings!"

"Shhh. Peanut, no one's going to take your wings," Nathan reassured. "I won't let anyone hurt you. Dr. Green just needs to take a look so he can help you." He took both her hands in one of his and kissed her fingertips. Owen lifted his lips in a silent snarl.

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