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New Chapter! Thank you guys so much for all your votes and comments! I love the support and it's really inspiring :)

Nathan Griffin and Gabriel Coleman waited fifteen minutes after Sang and North left before storming towards the compound. In those fifteen minutes it was all Nathan could do to not hunt down that Jade girl and rip her throat out. A side glance at Gabriel showed he was feeling the same way.

"Nathan! Gabriel!" A familiar voices shouted. Grace and Elie were running towards them, Grace's limp painfully obvious. Nathan growled but stopped.

"What was that about?" Grace asked.

"Jade said Sang was fucking talking shit about her." Gabriel seethed.

"That's not true at all." Elie said, tucking a piece of red hair behind her ear.

"Well that's what she said, then she fucking broke Sang's nose." Nathan balled his hands into fists. He was going to break Jade's nose.

"Goddamnit she doesn't need this right now," Grace said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Alright, we'll ask around and see what the deal is."

The girls walked off, their heads tilted together in conversation.

Nathan huffed a sigh. "We need to talk," he said.

"Fuck yeah we do. But we're seeing if Sang is okay first." Nathan nodded.

The boys made their way down the stairs and through the hall, remembering to keep their eyes either directly ahead of them or on the floor. Sang mentioned a lot of the people here would take eye contact as a challenge and try to start a fight. Nathan opened the door to their room and held it for Gabriel once he was past the threshold. Sang wasn't inside. Instead, the boy- Jason if Nathan remembered correctly- sat on the floor with six other kids looking about his age. They were playing what looked like BS, but Nathan wasn't sure. The kids looked up at him and Gabriel with wide eyes.

"Where's Sang?" Nathan asked.

Jason shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe she's in Karen's room. Rumor has it she has Advil."

"And where's that?"

"I dunno. Room four, maybe."


The boys left, shouting the door behind them. Nathan grabbed Gabriel's arm, holding him back just outside the door. Gabriel raised an eyebrow at him.

"We can check on her in a minute. We need to sort some things out first," Nathan said. He started to pull Gabriel off to the bathrooms.

"Stop, Nate! I have to go see her. You don't understand-"

"I understand completely, that's what we need to talk about." Gabriel's eyes widened.

"You fucking what?" His voice rose to a shout. People passing in the hallway gave them looks. One handler put a hand to the tranquilizer gun on her hip. Gabriel glared at the other fighters, then at Nathan. He stomped to the bathroom, Nathan easily keeping pace beside him. The bathroom was crowded, there was a line for the toilets and three of the showers were taken. Nathan dragged Gabriel into an open shower stall in the far corner of the room and pulled the curtain behind them. He turned on the shower to help mask what they said, and the two stood in a small section just out of the spray.

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