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She was so pretty. As she dangled from the ceiling, her toes scrambling to find the floor, he admired her beauty. A perfect, tear-streaked face. Little rivers of dry silver blood streaking down her body. She wasn't his mate, but he couldn't imagine any creature more suited to his needs than her.

He especially liked the way she screamed. Like the rev of an engine, she grew louder and sent vibrations every which way through his body.

For just over two days now she seduced him with her melodic voice. Begging. Crying. Screaming out in pain. All the while she stood behind the glass barely able to contain himself. Her only imperfections were those damned wings fanning out every time she received so much as a cut. They obstructed his view.

"I want her wings cut off," he told the handler designated to wait on him.

"S-sir, that would kill her. If not from blood loss then from shock," she responded, tucking her chin and fluttering her own wings.

"Then bind them. I want them out of the way."

"Yes, sir." The handler entered the room they kept his little angel in and spoke a few low words to the man inside. He grinned and nodded, dismissing the handler.

"I thought this might be a request," the man inside announced. From his pocket he pulled out a coil of silver wire and six spikes tipped with holes to string the wire through. The second the girl saw those she began to squirm, her dove wings stretched as wide as possible. Two handlers grabbed ahold of each extremity and forced them to contract. A loud crack designated, signaling one wing broke in the process. She screamed and contorted herself, as if that would help her escape. His heart rate picked up and his breathing turned ragged at the sight. Why hadn't he done this sooner?

The man approached her, a spike in one hand, hammer in the other. He positioned it to where he wanted, then looked through the glass and smirked.

"No, please! I'll do anything! Just don't!" She pleaded to deaf ears.

The spike drove into her back, just above the hip. And his fingers itched to be the one holding the hammer.

The Unnaturals (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now