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Rules (and limitations) of Wishing:

1.) You may only have the given amount of wishes granted to you. No more, no less.

2.) You may not wish for wishes.

3.) Once you have used a wish, you may not regain it.

4.) You may not wish any harm onto another.

5.) You may not wish for any supernatural happenings or supernatural beings.

6.) Your assigned angel is your servant, and must follow your every command.

7.) Your assigned angel will remain with you until all wishes are completed, then they will return to Heaven.

8.) You may not wish for your angel to remain on earth.

9.) If you do not abide by rule number eight, your assigned angel will eternally lose all their memories, and cease to exist.

A friendly suggestion: Do not make any attempts to break any rules, or you and your angel will both be severely punished. Do not underestimate us, we are watching you at all times.

A/N: As you can see, I've added the rules.

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