Am I A Super Hero? (Marcus)

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I'm flying through the friendly blue skies in my superhero costume. I just came back from doing important business deals at the company I own called CreativeMyth. I make over $3 billion a year. But now i have to focus on these super assassins that threaten the world existence. I must eradicate them before they can finish their plans.

As I land at their headquarters I see that they are aware of my presence but I don't care. I tear down the wall of their headquarters and grab the first assassin I see and rip him in two. I am not your regular hero where they don't kill because all lives are precious and it's morally wrong. Fuck all that BULLSHIT, I ruthlessly kill all my enemies, and strike fear into anyone who thinks of crossing me.

All the assassin now proceed to approach me with their swords and modern tech guns like those could do anything to me. As they circle me trying to show their strength but deep down I see the fear. I grab two of them by their necks and squeeze so hard I decapitate them. I quickly then turn around then with ease grab another's heart right out of his chest. Heart all bloody, still beating at 200 beats per second. I told you deep down they were scared. As I glance over and see the rest of the guys trying to flee after seeing the homicide I committed and knowing my genocide has only begun. I crouch in a great pose and leap toward the guys with a fraction of my strength I.....

(Blare, blare....blare,blare) The annoying sound of a morning alarm has the hatred of all. As I wake up from my alarm that signals I'm still alive and have to survive another god given day. I always hated when I awake from having a great dream. I slowly make my way to the window and opens the blinds. The sun shoots through the window with precision and accuracy, blinding my vision.

The bright light presents to you Marcus, a poor lonely soul with no motivation, or will to live. A man born with talents that is being wasted and has collected dust over the years, a beauty that hasn't been polished in a long time. I dream of it all ending quickly and abruptly, but my alarm reminds me that i am still here to continue my shift as a slave to my depression. I prepare for my day that consists of going to work and drinking myself to an end, an end that ultimately starts over as I awake.

As I shower in the hottest temperature of water, dress myself in a black button up shirt, black slacks, black socks and shoes, and top it off with an all black jacket and hat to match. I make some coffee and add a little shot of vodka.

As i open the front door to leave, the wind brushes against my face. The sun continues to stab my eyes. I slowly make it to my car, I get in where I don't even wait for the car to get warm. Silence and darkness has taken over his thoughts. My mind is a void where nothing survives.

i walk into what seems like a modern day plantation disguised as a corporate building. "Hello Marcus, today is a very nice day for a swim" the receptionist Beth said. Beth has a face that most guys will let get away with murder. beautiful red lips, glowing ravishing cheeks, and a smile that is very contagious.

"Nobody swims in 35 degree weather" I reply, I seem to be immune to her smile, my facial expression does not change, I don't even bother to turn my head I just glances in the direction she sits in. Beth is really fond of me and I don't know why. I would try to pursue but I know I'll mess it up, so I'll save myself the embarrassment

After a hard day of just calculating numbers and updating information on a spreadsheet, it's finally time for break. "There is too much time in the day, it feels like a million years until break time comes".

"Hey, don't look at your life as an endless nightmare of misery, you have a nice job, a nice apartment, people who care about you. So cheer up". Charlie says to me.

That's Charlie always being positive and cheerful. Fucking piece of shit. Always finding the good in the bad and the nice in the evil. He can never except that somethings are just meant to be bad, and some people aren't meant to be happy. With a stare as cold as my heart, I look at Charlie "I didn't know you heard that". Then proceed to walk out the building for my break.

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