It Was All A Dream (Marcus)

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I wake up feeling shitty, I can't explain it but I'm just off. I realize that I left the TV on all night, I squint my eyes to try and make out watch show is on. I recognize this intro song, it's Dexter. My body struggles to follow my brain's commands to move. I managed to move *PSSSHHHHH* a plate that was on my chest has fallen on the floor. Now I have to clean that up. I look at the clock and see 3:17. It is so early, but I know I won't be able to go back to sleep. I slowly get up and in a blunderous make it to the bathroom. I use the bathroom, wash my hands and proceed to look in the mirror. There's a sickly man returning my gaze. I look as bad as I feel. Maybe a nice shower and a face wash would do my face justice.

        After I shower I go back to my room and forgot about the plate. I head downstairs to retrieve the broom and pan. I sweep up the plate and place it in the garbage. Get ready for the day by getting my clothes together and make some breakfast. The clock says 4:30. My work building doesn't open until 6:00. I look in the mirror to see how I look, I look a lot better. Skin is looking nice, my hair is looking neat, clothes is crisp, tie straight. Great job Marcus, but I still feel indisposed. I have to push through it and go to work. I leave the house, get in my car, turn on music and drive out. I decided to take the long way to work which is only 20 minutes.

             I arrive at the office at 5:10, I still got 50 minutes to kill, and kill it I will. I park my car in the basement parking lot and decide to just walk around the neighborhood. I see buildings I have never seen before. I walk a few more blocks and a homeless man grabs my jacket to catch my attention. I look at him and see dirt that makes a foundation on his face, clothes that have holes in them, and a smell that viciously invades my nostrils.

           "Sir, can you please spare some change. I haven't heard from luck in a while, and by looking at the quality of your jacket a few coins ain't really nothing."

           "Yes, let me see what I Have" Take out my wallet, pull out  $20 and place it in his hands. "Here you go man"

           "20 dollars? You must be a very generous man or don't care about money. Trust me I won't waste this on drugs or alcohol"

           "No problem man, well have a good day"

          "I will now, and you  got something lucky coming your way. Don't ruin it when it runs into you" He puts a big smile on his face, then turns and walks away.

          Homeless people suddenly become philosophers when you give to them. I continue to walk down the street and turn the corner. BAAAAAAMM, A head on collision with a female knocking her purse on the floor. I bend down to pick up the purse and while I get up my eyes scans this beautiful dame from toe to head.

          I start with the silver shoes with a gold strap, then proceed to her ankles and legs that are long and thick that maintains her wobbly balance, covered in beautiful soft shiny smooth skin. My eyes continue up as I scan her body that resembles an old coca-cola bottle as cliche as it sounds. She's covered in a greatly fitted silver dress that screams about her expensive taste. Then I make it to her head that has eyes that captures all the green light and reflects it into beauty, and straight brown hair that shines in the rising sun.

         As we both look into each others eyes, and an awkward moment of silence happens but eventually is broken with a "I'm sorry I didn't see you there" I started off saying.

        "No No No I wasn't looking where I was walking I'm deeply sorry" she said. "I was texting my friend Nizhoni, and I should've paying been attention more".

        I replied "Well uhm, I'm kinda in a rush so here is your purse, bye" I can smell the strong scent of alcohol on her breath. I extend my hand to return her purse and our fingertips make contact. Her fingertips are cold but the little contact feels pretty good. I notice a ring on her finger with a diamond as big as a grape.

       "Well, goodbye then" she says. As we part ways I look back to get one last look at her. As she also turns her head around. Our eye sights cross each other. I quickly turn my head away. Did she notice that I looked at her? If she did she probably thought I was looking at her butt. I hope she doesn't think I'm a creep. Why did I look back?

        It's getting around the time where I have to go to work. On my walk back to the office, I was thinking about that girl. How pretty she was. Maybe that was the lucky thing the homeless man was talking about.

        It's the end of the work day and I still don't feel good. I don't know what is going on, maybe I should see a doctor.

        I walk out the front door of the building and I think about the woman I bumped into. I cruise to my car, get in and leave. I want alcohol so badly, but my headache is excruciating. I Just want to go home and sleep.

        I arrive home, eat some food, and take some aspirin. I fall asleep shortly after.

       I'm walking down the street and I see this gorgeous woman again. My sexual predator instincts kick in and I confidently approach her. Talking smooth, touching her in all the right places.

       "We should go back to my place and show me how much of a predator you are" she tells me

       "Cool, since you like being hunted like prey"

        She proceeds to take me to her place. As we enter her apartment, I rip her silver dress of and lift her up. As I feel electricity flowing through my body, we make love.

        After laying in bed we hear a knock at the door.

    "Are you expecting a visitor" I ask

    "No, I wasn't expecting anyone today"

    Then the door gets kicked down and it's her husband. He strolls in with around 10 armed men. All nicely dressed in black suits. They must be professional killers or CIA. Or maybe they just wanted to watch me bang his wife but that's sort of a stretch.

    "That's my wife their asshole" he says as he chuckles a little bit.

    "You don't deserve her, I love her like no other and she loves me just as much" I Glance at her and see a smile on her face. She seems impressed with my bravery. "And I will not allow you to kill her"

    I Immediately wake up from this dream. I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling trying to unravel what the dream meant. Maybe I fell in love with a woman I didn't even officially meet. Or it could just mean that my body is craving sexual pleasure. Well only one way to find out.

    After a swift 30 minutes, I come out the bathroom and lay back in my bed. It seems like a combination of both.

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