I'm Intrigued (Alize)

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One Month Later,

    I'm at this expensive restaurant sitting across my husband. I see the smile on his face as he looks at me. He's very content with my presence, but I don't share the same feeling. I look at the waitress as she approaches us with our food. She hands me my food. A hot plate with a 16 oz. steak on it, with bacon mashed potatoes, and carrots. I always loved me some good steak. I sometimes dream of eating steak every day, and I know i still wouldn't get tired of it. The waitress proceeds to hand Benjamin his plate. She smiles at him with a blissful look in her eye. She touches his shoulder in a soft gentle way but with a lot of meaning.

    "Enjoy the delicious food"

    "Trust me I will enjoy this to the last bite, Sofia." Benjamin responds, while looking at her chest that contained a nametag that read Sofia.

    She walks away in a slow model walk, shaking her hips side to side with so much emphasize. She wanted to get his attention, and mission accomplished. Benjamin turns his head slightly and side eyes her curvaceous frame. For some reason, I absolutely don't care. I'm not one to get mad at Benjamin if he looks at other women. At the end of the day he knows who he goes home with. Plus if you would have seen Sofia, trust me you would've looked as well.

    "So what you been up to lately? Any fun activities you done?" Benjamin asks me

    "Not much. I been hanging out with Nizhoni mostly staying in doors doing girl things. She keeps trying to get me to go to clubs at least 3 times a week."

    "Man, didn't know she was a party type of person"

    "She mostly goes, to find men to hook up with"

    "But she's married though. Why would she do that?"

    I take a couple bites of my food before answering. "I don't know"

After a hour of pointless small talk, I suggest we leave. "I'm getting a little tired, we should leave"

"Okay, let me get the bill. Sofia."

The waitress turns her head and gives him a wide beautiful smile. She finishes with her customer and does the slow model walk over her again. This time it looks seemingly flawless. Her waist and legs move in harmonic rhythm, her arms swifty swing at her side, her posture in impressively straight. I look at Benjamin and her is smiling like a vegetarian in a fruit garden. I know he wants her and if I wasn't her he would definitely get her, no doubt about that.

"Hey Sofia, can we get the check" Benjamin says

"Yea, sure. Do you want any dessert while before you leave?" Sofia asks

Please don't say I wish you were my dessert.

"I wish you were my dessert" Benjamin says.

I can't fucking believe he just said that. I start chuckling at the stale pick up line. I'm not the only one who thought it was amusing. Sofia starts giggling, but her giggle is because she's actually flattered.

"I'll be right back with the check" Sofia says.

Within the next 2 minutes she comes back with the check. The total is $500. How is the cost $500 but the taste of the food is $10. Benjamin gets out his wallet and tips her $500.  Is that his way of sealing the deal?

We leave and get in the car. Benjamin drives off. After 15 minutes of driving and silence, we come behind a car at a red stop light. Something looks odd about the car in front of us. I keep looking through the back window out of interest. Then I see someone throw up all over the inside of the car. It might be a woman. Benjamin proceeds to get out the car.

"No Benjamin, just get back in the car" I say

"I'm just going to talk to the person and tell them to move, everything will go smooth if they cooperate."

He walks over to the car in front of us and starts knocking on the window. I look through the back of the car window and a feeling of familiarity comes over me, like I met that driver before. I can't see his face though. As I continue to sit here and watch this situation unfold, I see the driver pull out a gun and point it at Benjamin. I gasp in fear for Benjamin's life. My heart starts picking up it's pace, sweat begins to burst through my skin.

Benjamin walks back to the car, with his hands twitching, he opens the car door and gets inside.

"What the hell happened?" I asked

"Hee, hee, he w w ww was having a rrr rroo rough night, so uhm i decided t ttt ttt to let drop it" Benjamin replies.

He's stuttering his words out of fear. I've never seen him like this before. He's always been a strong, fearless man. I thought he was scared of nothing. For some reason him being terrified intrigues me.

Benjamin continues to drive home. I ride without saying a word, but the driver of the other car is still in my mind. Before i know it we are home and i walk into the house. Benjamin goes to the room and closes the door. I decide to sleep on the couch in the living room. As I lay there staring at the ceiling and thoughts running through my mind. My eyes slowly shut and I wander into a sleep until I fall too deep to wake myself up.

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