Across The Water (Alize)

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Saturday morning, I usually cook a nice scrumptious breakfast for me and Benjamin but he's not here today. He actually hasn't been home for a few days. Hey at least he left me his credit card.

I call Nizhoni to come over so we can chill and try to enjoy the day. I go to get my phone and call press her name and hit the call button. "Hey girl you wanna come over and hang out today"

"Ahhhhhh ahhhh, Hmmmmmm, I'm busy, I'll call you back"

I hang the phone up faster than quicksilver can after realizing she was having sex. Why the hell did she pick up the if she was doing that. The world may never know. So it looks like I'm solo dolo for the day.

I head to the living room which is probably bigger than most people's whole first floor. I sit on the couch and watch my favorite show Game of Thrones. It's a marathon for all the stupid people who don't watch the show, and it gives them the opportunity to catch up. But I use it to relive all the glory moments. (I know you're probably wondering who I want to win the war, and I'm rooting for the white walkers to kill everyone). After watching so many episodes i realize it's 7:45 p.m. time flies when you're doing nothing important. I decide to go out and get some air.

First stop is the grocery store. I don't really need anything from there but I just wanted to get out the house and go somewhere. I buy a bag of chips and a water and leave. I head to Time Square, oh how much i love being in Time Square. You see big building, huge billboards, millions of people. It's always a good time to be in Time Square. I drive around just looking at the building and the unique people walking.

Next stop is the bar. I pull up in the parking of the bar and see a couple of people throwing up as they get into cars. That's how you know it's going to be a good time at the bar. I walk inside the bar and the inside is gigantic. There are 2 u shaped bar top on opposite sides of the bar and a dance floor right in the middle of the room. The light is dimmed close to dark, just the way I like it.

I walk up to the bar and order mead.

"Mead? I have never heard anyone order that before and I've been in the bar business for years" the bartender comments

"Well most people aren't worthy of this drink" I reply

"Oh and you are worth enough, excuse me your highness" the bartender says back with a little chuckle. He proceeds to make the drink and hands it to me in a glass that is hidden from the rest of the bar. It must be a special glass for a special drink.

"Here you go ma'am, hope you enjoy this drink"

I take the glass and take the first swig. Sharp bitter taste pierces my taste buds, sweet nectar smell invades my nostrils, and the drink smoothly glides down my throat. It's a very strong drink, my face automatically cringes without even thinking about it. This is the taste of the high life.

I order another mead drink. The drink tastes terrible but something about it makes me want to come back like a bad drug. As the bartender makes the drink I look at the front entrance, I see him. That's the guy, the guy who got into it with Benjamin, the guy I saw when I was walking home a few nights ago. Something in me tell me to follow him, but I can't just leave this lovely mead unfinished.

I quickly down the mead and rush out the bar to see him across the street about to walk in Central Park. I follow him close by using the trees as cover, he hasn't noticed me at all. I see him sit down on a bench and just sits there looking around. Up, down, left, right, and back up again.   

As time goes by I decide to head to the nearby pond and skip rocks, he's bound to cross my path when he leaves. As he begins to get up out his seat, the mead starts to kick in.

"Want to join me and throw rocks" I initiate to ask. I give him a warm smile to show that I'm not dangerous.

"Sure, but I'm not good at skipping them across the water" he responds. His voice is shaky like he's not at ease.

"You don't have to be good, you just have to enjoy the experience" I extend my hand to give him some smooth black rocks I picked up.

"You probably don't remember seeing me last week" he says as he throws his first rock like it's a baseball pitch.

"I saw you last week? I don't remember, where was it at?"

"I was walking down the street and you was drunk and we bumped into one another" he says without making any eye contact.

"Oh man, that sounds like the worse impression I can make on someone" I give off a little chuckle and skip a rock that goes far. I turn my head to look at him and he still hasn't made eye contact at all. I don't think he even looked away from the pond at all.

"It wasn't that bad, it was a brief encounter" he says as he throws another rock that sinks into the water.

The mead is really kicking in now and making me feel more free. "So do you come to the park at night just to creep on women" I ask and give a comforting chuckle. But I guess it didn't work.

"What? No! I was just walking to clear my head" he says in a nervous, panicky, and raised tone of voice. He's uncomfortable, I could tell. The lack of eye contact, the nervous voice, the lack of sense of humor. I think I can get him to open up more.

"Calm down, I was just joking. You need to get a better sense of humor" I respond trying to make him be at ease. After a few seconds of silence and another great rock throw from me. I try to open him up. "So you said you was clearing your mind right. What was you clearing your mind of?"

"Just say things that's going on in my life" he responds

After we talk some more I keep trying to get him to open up. He's stubborn but I got him. Something about him draws me in. He got really angry but with just eye contact he calms down. He needs to be loved, genuinely loved.

After he calms down I right my number on a rock and give it to him. I don't know if he's ever going to call but I hope so. I watch him walk away and make a turn where he disappears into the dark lite streets. I can't remember where I parked and the mead is turned all the way up now. Mead the silent slow killer. I look at the remaining rocks in my hand and they start to look blurry and fuzzy. This isn't right. I try to walk out the park but I don't even make it to the outside fence. My knees buckle and my legs feel weak like I got hit in the body by Golovkin. My vision wanders off and I black out.  

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