Yea, She's Majestic

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"What the fuck are you doing? Nothing's going to happen to you. You're going to go there and have a good time and enjoy yourself. Then you're going to go home with Alize and enjoy the rest of your night." I say to myself

The other side of my mind takes over for a minute, reassuring that nothing's going to happen. But it doesn't stay long. The anxiety gets worse and almost suffocating. It's hard to breath right now. I should get a drink, let the alcohol comfort me. I can't let alcohol be my only way to comfort, but maybe I should rely on it to ease the negative thoughts.

Drinking alcohol has always made me feel comfort and ease the stress of life and my mind. As I continue to sit there, for what seemed like an hour, I given to the urge. I run to the kitchen and grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass. I pour a little into the glass and in one gulp drink it whole. I pour another glass and drink it in two gulps. As my heart rate slows down and the tension in my body eases, I pour the Jack Daniels into the glass a third time. I need to take this one slow. Now I'm chill, the negative thoughts are gone and my mind filled with emptiness.  

After a few more sips and minutes, I get the long awaited call

"Are you ready because I'm outside" Alize initiates

"Yea, I'll be down there in a minute" I reply before hanging up the phone

As I get up from the couch, I look at the window and see my own reflection. I stare for a few more seconds.

"Alright let's go out there and have a good time" I tell myself

I finish the cup I have and head out the front door. I see Alize in her black Mercedes. It's a nice car, better than my own car. As i walk to the passenger door of the car, Alize gets out and screams.

"Heeeeeey, we're going to have an amazing time tonight" she yells.

I continue to walk towards the car and get in. As I get in and settle into my seat she looks at me with a devious grin on her face, she's plotting something tonight. I buckle up my seatbelt and she drives off to the destination.

The ride there is silent, no talking, no music, no noise. While this may seem uncomfortable to some I'm comfortable right now. I stare out the window looking at all the buildings and people in my sight of vision.

"What you looking at" Alize asks me

"Oh nothing, just looking at the surroundings."

"Cool, it's always interesting just seeing how people act on the streets and see what they're doing. I just to sit there and wonder where every single person walking was going. And sometimes I would just make up narratives to what a stranger was doing on nights like this." she says

As I continue to stare out the window she tells me that the club is just a block away. I look at her and the same devious grin comes across her face. She has to be up to something, I don't know what it is but it peeked my curiosity. Usually I would avoid things like this but this time I'll just go with the flow and let the night take it's course.

We both walk up to the club and see this huge bouncer, probable 6 foot 8. He's not muscular though, he's just tall with a lot of weight. He checks our id's and lets us in. Alize grabs my hand and leads me inside the club. We first walk into this dark hallway where we get greeted by a man who asks for our coats. We hand him our coats and Alize continues leading me.

As we get to the main club area, nervous creep back up on me. Butterflies begin to cause chaos in my stomach. As we take our first step into the main area I am greeted with music that could pierce a snare drum, lights that move and shine everywhere, and a neon light dance floor. Alize leads me to the bar and orders me a mead. I've never had mead before but if it's what she drinks then I'll drink it.

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