Negotiate The Terms (Alize)

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It's 4:45 in the morning and I'm leaving the club because it's closing for the day. As I stumble outside, I don't realize how drunk I was until I start getting the urge to throw up. I rush to a alley and find a trash can and unleash what seems like all the drunkenness in me. I instantly feel better but I'm still a little drunk with a headache.

    I then remember that Nizhoni was there with me. I have to find her. I slowly drag myself back around the corner and try my best to focus on the big crowd hoping she is there. I spotted her and she is with these guys. She then begins to start kissing one of the guys.

    "Nizhoni, Nizhoni" I screamed trying to get her attention. She doesn't hear me. I have to get closer.

    As I Begin to approach her, she follows the guy she was kissing to his car. Now I have to rush and get her. I take my heels off and try running but the ground does not feel good on my bare feet.

    "Nizhoni, Nizhoni. No, No, Nizhoni get out the caaaaar!" Before I could finish my sentence, the car speeds of into the distance.

    Now I'm here by myself, and no transportation. I don't know how I'll get home. I start walking, and as I'm walking I try to haul a taxi. No luck with that. Now I'm very upset now. I was trying not to disappoint Nizhoni tonight but she ended up disappointing me.

    "Fucking bitch" I shouted out loud. She's probably at that random guy's house hooking up with him, knowing she has a husband. But this isn't the first time she cheated before and damn sure won't be the last.

    My watch says 5:25. I've been walking for a long time. My feet feel like they are about to turn into ash. I take my phone out and see 4%. I have just enough to shoot someone a text. If I was logically thinking and sober, I would text another friend, my husband you know someone who can actually help. But my drunk self texted Nizhoni.

    Right before I'm about to hit the send button, I slam into this guy, almost knocking me over. My purse hit the ground. I couldn't really comprehend fast enough to pick my purse up. Luckily this guy picks it up for me. He is very slow with picking up my purse for some reason.

    He rises up and immediately apologizes. But all I could hear was "Sorry no see there". I'm more drunk than I thought. I hope he can't smell the alcohol on my breath.

    "No, No, No, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm deeply sorry. I was texting my friend Nizhoni, I should've been paying more attention"

    I couldn't really hear what he said after that. He hands me back my purse and our hands touch. His are warm like he was wearing mittens. I began to eye him up and down. He's has brown skin with brown eyes, with broad shoulders like he played football. A pretty nice suit even if it's a basic black color. Something about him is making my nerves tingle.

    I see him turn and walk away. I respond with "Well, goodbye then"

    As I walk away I look back to get one more look before he vanishes. To my surprise he also looked back but he quickly turn away. I Guess he didn't want me to see him.

    I walk a few more blocks and see a bus. The M57, I know this bus goes a few blocks away from my home. I don't have a Metro-card though. I wave the bus down and asks the guy if I can get on anyway.

    The bus driver looks in the rear view mirror and sees all the empty seats. He then looks at me up and down in a creepy sexual way. He licks his lips and whispers to me "Show me your goods"

    "What the hell, No" I Shouted at him.

    "Well I guess no bus ride for you. I Hope you feel like waiting another 30 minutes for one" A cheesy smile extends on his face. He's playing that game with me.

    I'm desperate to get home but I'm not going to get naked on this bus. No matter how drunk I am. I step down off the bus and see him drive away slowly. In that split second I wave him back down.

    I step back on and say "I'll show you one breast"

    "Both breasts and your panties" Are we really about to negotiate how much of my body I'm going to show?

    "Breasts and that's it"

    "You drive a hard bargain, but that's not the only thing that's about to be hard. I'll accept the offer. Now show me the goods" He says as he continues to smile and rub his hands. He looks like he is about to win the lottery.

*Sigh* I begin to grab the top of my dress and slowly pull down

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me play some stripper music." He says after pulling out his phone.

Me not wanting to extend this bus ride any longer, I quickly pull my dress down showing me knockers. I pull them back up as quick as possible. If this was in the Olympics then I just made the world record. "Now drive, you motherfucker"

The bus driver drives off and I take my seat in the front of the bus. After a short twenty minute ride Get off the bus. I walk a few long blocks to my house. I walk in the door and free fall into the couch and go to sleep.

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