Paying a Favor (Marcus)

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One month later, without alcohol

    I am at a nice restaurant, with some of my co-workers. It's some friendly co worker thing that occurs once a month. I never go but this time I was convinced by Beth to come. I became real good friends with Beth lately. When I was really sick for a couple of weeks Beth actually stopped by a couple of times. She made me food, and tried to nurse me back to help. At first I thought it was weird because I never told her where I live and I was never really nice to her. I guess I underestimated how much she likes me.

    My co-workers and I are sitting at this long table that's really 3 tables just pushed together. Guess who I'm sitting in between... If you guessed Beth and Charlie you are correct. On one side I got Beth trying to brush up on me and on the other I got Charlie talking bullshit in my fucking ear. But it's different now. I am starting to like the attention from Beth now. I haven't been with a woman in a long time and I got need that my brain is telling me to fulfill. I still hate Charlie, that hasn't change at all.  

Cling Cling, Cling Cling, " I would like to make a toast to everyone at the company. To all old and new employees. This company wouldn't be what it is without you guys. I would also like to give a little toast to Marcus for coming out tonight." Peter my boss says

As everyone raises their glasses towards me and cheer, I smile and play along. I raise my glass of water and take a sip.

The dinner is over and everyone is saying their good bye's and I notice that Beth is completely drunk. She can't even stand up straight. She can't drive like that. I shake some hands and wave by to everyone before I try to make it too my car.

Peter comes up to me "Hey Marcus, Beth is really drunk. I don't feel safe leaving her in this condition, can you drive her home tonight? Then I'll take her to pick her car up tomorrow."

A month ago, I would've said no and walked away. But now I'll do them this favor, even though I rather not. "Yea, I'll do it. I'll make sure she gets home in one piece."

"Thanks, I know she'll be grateful that you cared for her. Think of it as you paying your dues for her taking care of you."

I give Peter a defined look. "She told you what happened?"

"Yea, she told everyone that you got really sick and she went over to your house to take care of you. She is an amazing person if you ask me, any guy would be lucky to be with her."

"Yea, she's cool. Umm, did she tell you what got me sick?"

"No, just that you were really sick. Everyone was worried about you but Beth was worried the most and she really wanted to help you."

"Oh. She was a good help to my recovery. I guess I better get her home."

"Okay see you tomorrow. Tell Beth she can have the day off tomorrow, that'll give her some time to recover."

I part ways with Peter and see Beth still sitting at the table. She's laughing and moving awkwardly at a table by herself. I walk over there.

"Beth, it's time to leave."

"But I'm having such a great fucking time"

"Beth, everyone has left. Let's not make a scene in public right now."

"Okay, okay. Since you want to ruin the night"

I proceed to put her jacket on. I didn't expect that helping a drunk person simply put their arms in a jacket would be so tough, but I managed it. I help her to my car and put her in. As I strap on her seatbelt she is struggling to stay upright. I just let her stay slump to the side in the back seat. I walk around the car to the driver seat and get in.

I drive off and start cruising back to her apartment, which I don't really know where the location is. I just know she lives somewhere in Harlem. I stop at a stop light and turn around to ask "Where do you" Before I could even finish the question, a spew of vomit comes flying my way.

All the stomach bile coming out her mouth drenches my face, it even gets in my nose and mouth. I want to scream my lungs out of anger. "Fuck my life" I whisper. I look in my car for some sort of cloth to wipe my face. During my search I hear cars beeping at me and people screaming. Oh shit, I forgot I'm at a traffic light. I can't keep my eyes fully open so I need to wipe this liquid off.

I can't find anything, I might have to use my jacket. I take my jacket off and then hear a hard knock on my window. I glance over as soon as i wipe my face. I see a skinny white man in a suit whose is trying to open up my door. I see he's pissed because I was holding up traffic. I am not up for this tonight. I just wanna get through this night. I close my eyes.

I open up the door, and the guy tries to take a swing at me. I grab his fist and give him a quick 2 piece to his face. I throw an uppercut that stumbles him back, then I power kick him in the chest. He's on the ground now trying to catch his breath. I walk over to him kneel down and grab his neck. I proceed to brutally punch him with the force of a hulk.

I open my eyes and the guy is still at my door. Why the hell is doing this? If he goes back to his car I can drive off. Luckily I have a gun in the glove compartment. Don't ask why. I take out the gun, a silver 45. Cal magnum revolver. A motherfucking hand cannon. This could take off whatever body part I shoot at, if I had bullets for it. I take it out and show it to the guy. He looks and runs to his car. I put the gun back and drive off.

I enter a parking lot and look back at Beth. She is in a deep sleep. She looks fascinating. Make up is still perfect, dress is spotless. Even in a vulnerable feeble state, her looks never dwindle down. I grab her bag to get her phone. I'm not gonna steal her stuff, I'm just hoping she has her home address saved in google maps. But why am I not surprised that there is a pin code and fingerprint scanner that locks her phone. So that's out the question. I don't know what to do. I guess I'll take her to my home then. I have a spare room, actually 2 spare rooms.

After a tedious drive, we arrive at my home. I carry her to the elevator which goes up to my condo. We enter the condo, and I carry her to the spare room upstairs. I get a glass of water and put it near the bed. She's still sleeping. Hopefully she stays sleep until morning. As I make my way to the bathroom to shower, because lord knows I need one. I hear Beth vomiting.

"Please don't be on the floor, not the floor, not the floor. Fuck" I silently say as I walk in and see the vomit all over the floor.

"Beth, you have to drink the water, it will help."

I pick up the glass of water and put it on her lips. I tilt the glass back slowly so the water can flow into her mouth. Luckily she actually swallowed the water. I put the glass back on the night stand and exit the room. I can her wailing in there, and I decided to ignore it and take my shower. I come put my shower and go to my bedroom. I fall into my bed like a domino being knocked over. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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