Tonight We Are Gods

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As I wake up, I look over to my right and see Benjamin in the bed. He's sitting up on his laptop doing work. I don't know what type of work he's doing but it seems important to him. I crawl out of bed still tired as ever, and make my way out the room. I head to the bathroom and wash my face. As the warm water drenches my face, I think about Marcus calling me, I hope he calls me soon. In hop in the shower and take my time, it's Saturday no need to rush.

    As I get out the shower I head to the bedroom. I see Benjamin putting clothes on getting ready for his day.

    "Where you going Benny?" I ask

    "I'm have to handle some business at the office, and I need to have some emergency meeting with my executives." he responds

    "Emergency meeting? Is something going on?"

    "Yes, a big sports story broke out in the boxing world, and no one knows what to do. I have to go and figure out this situation. It'll probably take all day" he says as he puts his pants on then his shirt. He buttons up his shirt and grabs his blazer jacket and heads out the door.

    I look out the window and watch him get in his car, an all black Mercedes S550 4Matic, and he peels off into the foggy rainy weather. Now I'm home alone, the maids don't usually come when it's raining. I got to find something fun to do, something to enjoy this moment. Well, I got to call the queen of fun, Nizhoni. I pick up the phone find her contact and hit the call button.

After a few rings she finally answers. "Hey Nizhoni, you want to hang out today?" I start off saying.

"I wish I could, but today bae and me are spending the day together. We're going to get breakfast, go to a movie and then ice skating. It's couples night at the ice skating rink." Nizhoni replies

"Sounds amazing, what movie are y'all going to see?"

"Some superhero movie he's been talking about seeing, it just came out yesterday. After the ice skating we're going to get dinner and end the night off with a Rae Sremmurd concert."

"Sounds cool, hope you enjoy yourself. Get me a Rae Sremmurd shirt while you're there." I finish off saying before we hang up.

I decide to call 2 of my other friends to see what they are up to. The first friend didn't even pick up, so much for that. The second friend picks up the phone instantly.

"Hey Alize, how you doing today?" she answers

"Oh, I'm doing..."

"Good, today is a weird day. It start raining as soon as I took a shower this morning. I think I might've turned on the rain." she says

"That sounds a little...."

"It's trippy. But today will still enjoy this day even though it's strange. Hey do you want to go to the movies today? You know that new superhero movie came out yesterday."

"I didn't know..."

"Yea, this superhero movie is going to be great. And it's super cool how it ties together with other superhero movies, then all the superhero movies come together to make a super superhero movie. It's just great. Did you hear that Rae Sremmurd is doing a show tonight?"

"Yea, Nizhoni told...."

"Yea I might go to it. I love their music so much, like so so much. There music is amazing, like a superhero movie. That should be the plan today, watch the superhero movie and go to the Rae Sremmurd concert. That would be a perfect Saturday."

So she's just going to keep interrupting me, not letting me get one word in. I'm getting frustrated now. As she continues to talk I become engorged with rage.

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