Chapter 12.

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Yusuf's POV

It was time to speak to my mum. I was rather dreading it knowing that Safia wasn't really mum's ideal daughter in law. But I had formed persuasive arguments in my mind and I felt ready to put them into use. I was waiting for my mum's drama to finish; it wasn't a good idea to interrupt her whilst she was watching her drama. She usually told us off if we disturbed her.

I heard my phone making that sound telling me I have a message. In the last two days, whenever I heard this sound I felt weirdly excited thinking it might be Safia. She didn’t speak much due to her shyness; she mostly answered my questions and had Hamza asking her questions. I checked my phone and involuntarily smiled seeing it was indeed Safia who had sent a message.

   Safia: Asalamu’alaykum. I just wanted to ask, what are your reasons for agreeing not to see me before the Nikah? (If we get married). You know my reasons.

I had been waiting for this question. I didn't want to be completely honest with her and it made me feel a little guilty. I didn't know how I was to explain to Safia that I saw a girl in a navy blue hijab and hoped it might be her. But then I decided whether she was that girl or not, I liked her personality. I also knew she was decent looking, whichever girl she was.

   Yusuf: Wa’alykumsalaahm. You have a cool personality. Is that a sufficient enough answer?

I wanted to add, people who are good on the inside are always beautiful on the outside. It's all a matter of perception. I didn't say that because one, she wasn't my wife yet and two, Hamza was reading. I don't think he'd appreciate me calling his sister pretty even though it was an assumption.

   Hamza: Safia's blushing. 

   Safia: No I'm not! And yes that is a sufficient enough answer.

   Hamza: I'm receiving death threats from Safia for telling you she’s blushing. She said she will rip out my rib cage and stab me with it.

I began laughing. My mum snapped her head towards me in annoyance putting her finger on her lips telling me to be quiet.

  Hamza: Now she just attacked me for telling u what she said to me. A word of advice Yusuf... Be careful. Safia may seem nice n sweet but if u annoy her, u may end up with a couple of bruises. I now have one on my thigh caused by Safia's elbow.

I bit my lip and covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Safia really was crazy, in a good way. I put my head back and closed my eyes praying that everything went smoothly. I really did find Safia compatible with myself. I had begun doing Istikhara (prayer for divine guidance) and was still awaiting a clear sign. A part of me felt like this whole conversation and getting to know each other was a sign. But I didn't feel satisfied enough. I wanted a sign that felt a little stronger, like an easy approval from my mum.

Finally the annoying music played on the TV snapping me out of my conversation with Allah. My mum's drama was over and I could speak to her. My mum got up from her seat.

"Mum, I need to speak to you."

"Later Yusuf, Javed's going to be home soon and I need to prepare dinner for him"

"But it’s really important."

"Fine." Mum sat back down. "You have five minutes."

"Mum." I cleared my throat. "You know Safia." I whispered fearing my mum's reaction. My mum rolled her eyes. "She didn't get engaged that day. They rejected the guy, or maybe it was the other way around. Not sure. But the point is, she's not getting married to him. I know her brother and through what he says about Safia, she seems like a very nice person."

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