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Ezra was stuck. His parents had turned up out of the blue, shocklingly alive. He was happy about it, don't get me wrong, but now his parents were making him choose between them and his family, Kanan, Hera, Zeb and Sabine. Ezra was beginning to freak out, he couldn't choose, he didn't want to choose. The head teacher stepped in "will respect, I don't think you should put so much pressure on your son, specially something as big as this" the family agreed "fine, he can choose and tell us within 4 days, that's when out flight leaves anyway" Mira stated. This confused everyone "what flight?!" Zeb asked, Ephraim explained "we're moving to Australia, for a fresh start" all eyes widened "wait...so if Ezra does choose to go with you, you'll be taking him to Australia!?" Hera exclaimed, earning a nod "yes, he'll come visit you, that is, if he comes with us" Mira said. Ezra sat down "it's your choise Ez, we'll support you with whatever you decided" Kanan said, placing a hand on his foster sona shoulder "so will we Ezzy" Mira said "we'll leave you guys for a bit, here's our numbers, give us a call for anything" and with that, they hugged their son and left. "Come on, let's go home" Here said, they grabbed their bags and left, getting in Kanan's police truck and driving home.

When home, Ezra ran straight to his room, Sabine and Hera began their homework whilst Kanan started dinner, Zeb sat with the girls and watched tv from the kitchen tv. "Today's been...interesting" Kanan stated "what are we gonna go" Sabine asked, she really didn't want to lose the boy she saw as a brother, none of them wanted to lose him "we carry on with home we were" Hera stated, earning a looked from Zeb and Sabine "we want Ezra to stay with us, yes, but you see how he got what we were all in the office, he looked like he was about to go into one of his panic attacks" they nodded. Kanan walked over to them "Hera's right, we carry on like we were, we put no pressure in him either...we care about him and we have to accept whatever he chooses" they nodded in agreement.

Dinner was ready, Zeb went up to get Ezra "hey kid, dinner's ready, you coming?" he asked "I'm not hungry, but thanks" was the only thing he said "okay, I'll ask Hera to plate you some up just incase" and with that, he went back down. "Where's Ez?" Sabine asked once they saw Zeb and no Ezra "kid won't come out of his room, says he's not hungry" Hera spoke "well I'll plate him something up, if he changes his mind" she did. After an hour, they had finished eating and washing up "I'm gonna go see if Ezra wants some food" Kanan said as he walked up the stairs, he knocked of the door "hey Ez, there's some food left if you want it?" he asked but got the same answer Zeb had gotten "thanks Kanan but I'm not hungry" with a sigh, he walked away. "Still won't come out of his room" he informed the others "I guess he just needs some space" Sabine said.

Soon it became 8:30 at night, they all showered and got ready for bed, Ezra had done so before they came up. They said good night and went to bed.

Rebel High: A Year LaterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя