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They ran until they reached the house "this is it...home sweet home" Mira said. They walked to the front door, Kanan tried to open it but it wouldn't open "looks like it's locked, now what?" Sabine asked. Ephraim pulled out a key from his pocket "good thing I have this" he tried to unlock the door but it still wouldn't move. "The locks must of been changed, does someone love here now??" Hera asked earning shrugs, Ahsoka spoke "no one should, that warning symbol states that this place is off limits". "Tseebo has to have Ezra in there!" Sen stated, they agreed.

All of a sudden, a cough was heard "where'd that come from??" Hera asked but they didn't know. There it was again, they followed the noise of coughing until they saw a small vent "where does that lead to?" Anakin asked, Mira thought for a minute "...the basement". They all shared a look before more coughing was heard "oh god, that hurt" all eyes widened. It was Ezra!!

Kanan immediately spoke "Ezra?! Ezra?! Can you hear me?!" he asked, they waited a few moments "K...Kanan?! I'm now hearing voices!! I'm going mad!!" the boy stated to himself making them chuckle. "You're not going mad kid, we're here, right out side" Kanan said. "Am I glad to hear you guys" they smiled "listen Ezra, is there anyway you can get out" Ahsoka asked "no, Tseebo locked the door when he left" the teen said, they shared a look. "You're in there alone?! Where's Tseebo!?" Hera asked, Ezra coughed "he went out to get some tablets for my cough and fever, it's fine up big time" this worries them "hold on Ezra, we'll get you out of there soon" Anakin stated "please just hurry".

The SWAT team arrived after two minutes "Tseebo Jones isn't inside but just incase we'll have some of the armed guys with us" Ahsoka said "Kanan, since you're a cop, you can come in and help but everyone else has to stay our here" she stated, they nodded knowingly. Hera looked at her husband before they were about to go in "bring Ezra back to us" was all she said, he nodded and kissed her.

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