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Ezra was so happy. Why you ask?? Becaue he finally got to go home!! No more hospital food, no more constant beep...beep...beep. He got to sleep in his own bed, eat actual food and get a good night sleep. Kanan came to pick him up, Hera, Zeb and Sabine were at home planning a small welcome home party for the teen, nothing big but just them watching movies, playing games, and acting like a family. "You ready kid??" the man asked his foster son who nodded "I've been ready for days, I want to go home!!" Ezra exclaimed making his foster dad laugh "alright, grab your things and we can go" Kanan said, the boy nodded and put his shoes and jacket on, the older male grabbed the back pack and they walked out.

The drive was fine, the two spoke about random things and listened to some music in the radio. "We're here" Kanan stated as they pulled up into the drive way, Ezra smiled as he got out of the car. They walked up to the the door and walked in "we're home!" they both anounced as they walked through the door way. All of a sudden, the three other family members came running to the two and hugged the young boy "welcome home Ezra!" they exclaimed. Ezra hugged back with a smile "missed you guys too". They led the youngest teen into the living room "whoa!" was all he could say, they'd put pillows and quilt covers all over the living room, two small tables in the middle of the room, one full of treats, snacks and drinks, and the other full of board games. "We spent all morning get it ready for when you for back, do you like it??" Sabine asked, Ezra nodded "It's amazing you guys". They smiled, Ezra quickly took his bag to his room, got changes into some comfy clothes and then went back to the living room. They watched 'Neverland' it was Ezra's favorate movie ever, they'd bought it for him straight away after finding that out. After they finished watching the film, they put on some music and played snakes and ladders. That's how the family spent most of their day.

At the airport, Ahsoka and Anakin were hidden in one of the interrogation rooms along with some of the SWAT team, other manners were hidden around the airport to let them know the targets locations. The plan was, some of the airport security were going to act like they'd seen something in the threes bags so they'd be sent to an interrogation room, the same room that the team were in. So far  all was good, they'd spotted the couple and friend meet up outside then come into the airport, they got something to eat and spoke, probably/most likly about Ezra. After that they headed for security where part 1 of the could begin. Tseebo went first, then the couple, lucky for the airport staff, they had a button that would make the alarm go off for the detectors so when they walked through it, it went off. They went through the process of "do you have anything on you or in your bags that you shouldn't or that you've not ticked off on the leaflet?" three no's and then they were escorted to the interrogation room. As soon as the three walked in, handcuffs were out on "Mira and Ephraim Bridger, I am arresting you on asisting the kidnapping of Ezra Bridger, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence later on in court" Ahsoka stated, the  moved onto the other man "Tseebo Jones, I am arresting you of the kidnapping of Ezra Bridger, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence later on in court" Anakin looked to the SWAT team "take them away".

Back with Ezra and his family, they were in the middle of a cards game when the youngest phone began to ring "hello??" he answered "hey Ezra, it's Ahsoka Tano" the woman greeted "An Anakin!" a voice in the background stated "hey you two, what's up??" he asked. There was a nervous pause "I hate to have to tell you this Ezra but...we just arrested your parents and Tseebo, they're being taken to a holding cell right now as we speak" the boy didn't speak for a few seconds "em...right okay, thanks for telling me Ahsoka" they said goodbye and hung up. "Who was it Ezra??" Hera asked, the teen looked at them "it was Ahsoka and Anakin" Zeb spoke "what did they want??" Ezra sighed "they just arrested my parents and Tseebo, he's been taken to a holding cell". They all went quiet "are...are you gonna be okay Ez?" Kanan asked the kid, after a moment Ezra smiled "you know what??...Yeah, I'm gonna be fine, my parents never cared about me, or Tseebo...and besides, I have you guys as my new family" they all smiled "I've not needed them for years, what makes me need them now??" they had a group hug.

The rest of the day flew by and now everyone was in bed, except for Kanan and Hera who were set at the table talking. "Are you sure these are the right papers??" Hera asked earning a nod "I'm positive, Ezra's social worker gave me them herself" Kanan stated. Ezra had decided to go down stairs to get a glass of milk so this was when he walked in "hey, what are you guys doing up??" he asked as he walked to the fridge, the two quickly moved the papers so Ezra couldn't see them "we're just...talking, what's about you??" Kanan asked earning a raise a brow for the boy "I'm poring a glass of milk Kanan, I'll let you work out the rest" that made Hera laugh "haha he got you there babe". Ezra say down "tomorrow's Saturday right??" he asked earning nods "can we do something?? All of us??" he asked surprising the couple. Ezra never asked to go somewhere before, this was new "em...sure, Zeb and Sabine do have work though" Hera stated, Sabine began a weekend job to earn some money, she works at a art club, teaching people have to do different things to do with art. "But I don't so we could go if you want" Kanan said earning a nod "so where do you want to go??" he asked but Ezra smirked "it's a...surprise" and with that he fibished off his milk "I'm heading to bed, night guys" he hugged both of them and went back to his room. Kanan and Hera were both very excited about tomorrow now, curious to find out were Ezra wanted to go. After another half an hour of talking about the mysterious papers from Ezra's social worker, they decided to go to bed.

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