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They couldn't believe it. They knew the guys name and that he'd taken Ezra. Their Ezra. "Do you know anything else about him?" Hera asked, earning a nod "he's a 34 year old white male, lived in London for most of his life and...em....he was believed to be dead for a good few years" this confused everyone. "What?! How?!" Zeb asked in shock "he fell into a house fire, the fireman got him out and he was only just breathing...but when we got to the hospital he died, it was cleared by a doctor...I don't even understand how this is possible" Ahsoka stated, still trying to get her head around the new information "so do you know where he is?? Where he has Ezra??" Kanan asked but they shook their heads "sorry but even you Kanan, know it's not that simple" Anakin said, they sighed "we better tell Mira and Ephraim, they'll want to know" Hera stated earning nods.

They left and joined the search again, that was when they met up with the boys parents "no ones found him yet, have the police got any news??" the woman asked, Sabine spoke "yeah, they found out who took Ezra" their eyes widened "who!?" Kanan spoke "a man named Tseebo Jones". The mother and father of the missing boys eyes widened as the two shared a look, this made the small family share a look of confusion "Tseebo?! But how can that be?! He's dead!" Mira stated in confusion, this also made the others confused "hold on a second...you know the guy who took Ezra!?" Zeb asked earning nods. They began to explain "Tseebo was our friends, also Ezra's uncle and godfather" this made everything even more shocking "a couple of years ago we went looking for him, since he's Ezra's godfather we expected him to have our son but...we found out he was dead, from a fire....how is he alive?!" Kanan told them what the police had told them. "Why would Tseebo take Ezra then?? Why would he harm him??" Hera asked earning shrug "we don't know, he saw Ezra as his own son, Tseebo cried when he tripped Ezra up by accident when he was younger" Mira stated. This got Kanan and Hera thinking "maybe...maybe that's the reason" they all looked at the man "what?? What do you mean Kanan??" Sabine asked, he explained "maybe Tseebo found out that Ezra was living with us, didn't like it and took him, wanting Ez to live with him" it sounded like their only reason.

With the teen himself, he was still in shock on who his kidnapper was "you still haven't answered my question!" Ezra snapped, the man nodded "which one?" the boy spoke "what do you want with me?! Why in the hell did you kidnap me from my home?! And where are we!?". Tseebo sighed "ever since I fully healed, I began to look for you but you're good at covering your tracks, you were always better at hide and seek when you were little" he laughed a bit at the memory "4 months ago, when you were in the newspaper for winning that gymnastics compertition for your school Rebel High, that's when I finally knew where abouts you were" this began to sound really, and I mean REALLY creepy. "I went to your school and waited until it was the end of the day, I watched and followed you home...you were with the two boys and two girls" now let's take it a step further into the land of creepy "Kanan Jarrus, now a policeman. Garazeb Orelious (probably spelts wrong), known as Zeb, now a gun seller at 'Guns and All'. Hera Syndulla, daughter to Chan Syndulla, in her fourth year at Rebel High. Sabine Wren, left her family after they joined a deadly gang and went to live with her three best friends, in her third year at Rebel High" yep, the teen was full on freaked out. "So...you've looked my family up? That's not creepy at all!" he said with sarcasm, Tseebo seemed to snap when the boy called them his "family", he stood "they're not your family! Your parent and I are your family!!" he yelled.

Ezra nodded in slight fear, making Tseebo smile again "we'll be leaving with your parents to Australia in a couple of days, it'll be great!" the man seemed excited. "Wait...my parents know that you're alive!? And that you kidnaped me!? Are they in on this!?" Ezra asked in shock and worry but the man shook his head "no, they think I'm dead, won't it be great?! Them seeing that I'm alive with you, both of us going with them?! They'll be so surprised!! We'll be a happy little family!". Ezra was to freaked out to even say anything until his other question popped into his head "and my last question?" Tseebo thought for a second to remember the question "ahh, where are we?? Now why would I tell you that??" he seemed so serious that it scared the teen, the man then laughed "kidding! you should of seen your face Ezra! We're back where it all began". That confused Ezra "now, I'm gonna go get us some food, I'll be back in a bit" and with that, Tseebo left and locked the door.

Ezra was really confused by Tseebo's last comment "where it all began?? What the bloody hell does that mean?!" it was so fustrating "where it all began...where it all began" he kept mumbling to himself, trying to work it out "where it all...oh god no!". Ezra turned to one of the walls and ran to it, rubbing away some of the dust and dirt, revealing a painting of a symbol...the rebellion symbol. "No...no no no!!" Ezra yelled punching the wall, Tseebo had actually brought him back to where it bagan, where all of his pain had all begun, his parents home...his old home.

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