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It was 12:30 at night. Ezra never actually got to sleep, his mind was full of different things. He decided he needed to eat something so he went down stairs to the kitchen and heated his good up that Hera had left. All of a sudden "changed your mind I see" it was Kanan, he was sat at the table looking over some paper work "em...yeah". Once the door was done, Ezra sat at the table and slowly began to eat "shouldn't you be in bed asleep anyway??" the man asked earning a shrug "couldn't sleep, decided to come down and get something to eat".

"So what you doing?" Ezra asked, his foster dad sighed "there's a case my boss has given everyone at work to try and solve, it has to be complete by tomorrow afternoon at 5" since it want a really case, Ezra looked at it "there was a robbery at a jewellers that turned into a murder, what will you do to solve the case?" he read. Kanan began "first you get statement from everyone involved or eye witness then you look around, see what been touched by the robbers and  what's been taken" he paused to think "then...inspect for finger prints or foot prints" Ezra nodded in agreement. They had all found out that Ezra was quite the little detective, og something had happened or something had been taken, they would always go to the kid for help and within 2 hours, he'd have all the answers.

Ezra are and helped Kanan for a bit until the clock showed it was 1 O clock. "Thanks for your help kid, I think it's time for us both to hit the nest" the man stated "agreed". Kanan paused for a few moments "Kanan??" he looked Was straight in the eye "I know this is a bit decition for you to make Ez but just know and remember, no matter what you decided and choose to do, we'll always care and support you, we'll always love you" Kanan wrapped his arms around his foster son "and there is nothing you can do that will change that". Ezra hugged back "thanks Kanan, that...that helps a lot to know" they both smiled before saying goodnight to one another.

I know it's short but I felt like Kanan and Ezra needed to have that moment of bonding and just so Kanan can reach out to his foster son to let him no that it's okay and that he'll always be loved by his family no matter what he decides. Also, let me know in the comments what you think should happen and what Ezra's choice should be but there has to be a reason.

Gracie B Out.

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