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Ahsoka's phone buzzed in her pocket, she was in the middle of scanning through CCTV to try and find Tseebo with Anakin. She looked at her phone "who is it??" Anakin asked "it's from Ezra, a voice recording" the woman pressed play and they listened to it. The two officers were more than shocked when they heard the whole conversation between parents and son "poor kid, he must be heartbroken" Ahsoka state, they both felt so bad for the teen "we need to find Mira and Ephraim before they leave tomorrow for Australia!" Ahsoka exclaimed but her brother disagreed "maybe we should let them get to the plane" the suggested. The woman gave him a look "did you got your head when you tripped earlier?!" she asked earning a playful glare "hear me out Snips, they're clearly going to Australia with Tseebo tomorrow so if we let them meet up, we can talk to the people that work at the airport to stall them for a bit so we can move and get to them" it wasn't a bad idea "sounds good, you tell the team while I tell Kanan and his family" Ahsoka suggested earning a nod "okay".

Ahsoka called Kanan "hey Ahsoka, got any news on Tseebo??" the man asked "hey Kanan, and sort of". This confused Kanan "what do you mean?" the woman sighed "Ezra's parents went to the hospital earlier but...it didn't end well, I'll send you the voice mail Ezra sent me" they died okay and bye before Ahsoka sent him the message. Kanan listened to the voice message with his family "oh my god!! They were in on it all this time!!" Hera was shocked, as was the other "poor Ezra, he must be so hurt" Sabine stated, feeling so bad for her little brother "come on, we need to get to Ez, he needs us" Kanan said as he grabbed his keys. They ran out the house and into the car, Zeb drove them to the hospital and parked, they ran into the building and to the kids room. "Ezra?" Kanan spoke as they opensmed the door, the sight broke their hearts. Ezra, the strong, brave, amazing boy, was crying into a pillow, robbing his heart out "oh Ezra" Hera was next to him in seconds, rubbing his back, Sabine and Zeb sat at the end of his bed, Kanan on the other side of the boy "it's okay Ezra, we're here" he reassured. "Ahsoka...told you...then" Ezra stated through his tears "yeah she did, we came staight away" Zeb said, more of their hearts broke whne they saw the boys tear stained face. Kanan pulled him into a hug, not caring that snot and tears were now on his top "you dont need them Ez, we're here and we're not going anywhere" the man promised, the other agreed "he's right which isn't often" Sabine joked making them all chuckle, including Ezra. They all day together and watched a movie until Ezra fell asleep in Kanan and Hera's arms "kid must be exhausted" Zeb said "come on, visiting hours will end soon, we better go" Hera said as she kissed the teens forehead. Kanan left a note for Ezra before they left.

Four hours later and it was 12 at night, Ezra woke up to a nurse coming in to check on him. He sat up once she left and sighed, all he could think about was how his parents betrayed him. He felt tears come to his eyes as he began to sing.


Ezra wiped his tears, he wasn't going to cry for people that weren't worth it or didn't care about him "I have my new family now...and that love me" he whispered to himself before lying back down and closing his eyes with a smile.

Rebel High: A Year LaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora