The New Ship ~ Daylor

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[from danisnotonfire's POV]

As I scrolled through Tumblr, I found a Danosaur's profile through a Dan and Phil edit. She (obsessedwithdanandshay) mainly posted fanart and pics she found online, but then I came across a big long post about a ship called Daylor.

Okay, so ppl are throwing bs at me for my OTP, Daylor. Yes, I recognize that it's an impossible ship, but Dan and Taylor totally look cute together. Just look up 'danisnotonfire and taylor swift' on Google (excuse me while I die of feels). Listen, just bc someone ships two ppl together who will never date doesn't mean you can talk bs about it or me. I will hunt you down if you're talking bs. Love y'all ❤ Katherine

I looked up from my laptop screen. I have no idea what I had just read. Daylor? OTP? I had only conversed with Taylor once, so I was not expecting people to ship us together at all.

My eyes returned to the laptop screen, and I continued scrolling, finding a shit ton of Daylor edits in one part. Every time I saw one, I couldn't help but focus on Taylor. She looked flawless in every single one.

Wait, do I like her?

I grabbed my phone from where it sat and unconsciously scrolled through my contacts, looking for Taylor's number. When I realized what I was doing, I set my phone back down and returned to my laptop, quickly reblogging the post.

@obsessedwithdanandshay ur right, no one should harass another person for who they ship. thats just a ton of bs. true, daylor is a really wacky ship, but thats not an excuse to harass someone. nothing is. stand up for yourself and all of fandom-kind and beat the haters ... or just block them out ... whatevers best.

I sighed as I reblogged the post. Was I doing this because I liked Taylor or because of something else? Did I really need to comment that? Could Daylor be possible?

I shook those thoughts out of my head and exited her profile (but not before following her), continuing to look through other things. Phil's voice interrupted my thoughts in the abyss of Tumblr. "Dan, are you alright?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

I sighed as I went back to the Danosaur's profile and her Daylor post. "This is just ... I don't know."

He quickly read the post. "Daylor? Why should I care about it?"

"I have realized that I like Taylor."

He looked through his phone contacts and shook his head. "I think I deleted her number or never had it."

"Well, I need it. How should we get it?"

"Ask around? Someone ought to be kind enough to give it to us."


We began to ask around to see if anyone had her number. We started with our contacts, which utterly failed somehow. While Phil was still asking contacts, I (naturally) resorted to DMing people on Twitter. Eventually, I got a response from a friend of Taylor's that knew who I was. I got Taylor's number, immediately saving it to my phone with the contact name Taylor ❤.

"Should I call her right now?" I asked Phil, who had evidently gone onto YouTube for some reason.

"If you really like her, then go for it! You shouldn't be asking me if you should. It's your life, not mine!"

"That's true."

"You truly like her, right?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"Then do it, mate. Do it now."

I nodded in agreement as my hands nervously shook, dialling her number, not knowing how she would respond. It took a minute for someone to answer.

"Hello?" Taylor's soft voice questioned.

I quietly sighed in relief as I answered, "Hey, Taylor. Remember me?"

I heard a gasp from the other end of the line. "Oh my god, Dan, is that really you?!"

"Yeah, it's me." I glanced at Phil, who gave me a quick and reassuring nod. "Hey, how soon can we meet up?"

Sequel one-shot is the next part (Unsaid Things). It's from Taylor's POV :)

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