His Logic Card ~ Yoshicena

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It was a week after Yoshichika found Athena's logic card. Athena has been looking for his Yoshichika's logic card almost nonstop, especially because she misses the pre-overtrans Yoshichika. When she's not out looking for it, she's usually in her and Yoshichika's room. Her actions are worrying the other Logicalists, but they keep silent about her change in daily routine, knowing how much she was affected by his loss of memory because of Yoshichika's logic card loss.

Yoshichika stared at a wall while Athena was getting ready to leave again. "You know, other people are looking for my logic card. Why don't you just sit back and relax and let the others handle it?"

Athena shook her head. "I can't do that. I feel that it is my duty to find your last missing logic card."

He chuckled and looked at her. "I thought we agreed to be less formal with each other."

She sighed. "Yeah, we did."

"So what's with the formality?"

"I don't know, to be honest."

Yoshichika's attempt to lighten the mood was short-lived, as it feel back into a depressing silence. Without a warning, Athena left their room. She jogged quietly to the building exit and was about to leave when Chloe stopped her in her tracks and said, "You can't just come and go without saying anything every day, you know. We kind of wish that you would actually talk to us."

Athena sighed. "I'm sorry, but I want to find Yoshichika's last missing card. It's my priority."

"Athena, don't be so hard on yourself. To be completely honest, we're all worried about you."

"I promise that I won't isolate myself tonight."


Chloe, satisfied, left Athena to herself, prompting Athena to leave the building. She quickly passed through the town, having already been through it, to get to the nearby countryside. She had been looking through most of the nearby countryside, but she hadn't explored the farther countryside. She had a feeling that Yoshichika's missing logic card was somewhere in the farther countryside since only a small few people had been out there, and that was just yesterday. As soon as she got out there, she found Olga on his knees, searching through some taller grass.

"Olga, what are you doing out here?" Athena asked him.

Olga paused what he was doing. "I'm just helping out. I figured that his card is probably out here since no one has really searched it. I heard there were a few people out here yesterday, but I have a feeling that they didn't thoroughly search."

"That's what I think, too. That's why I came out here today."

Olga stood up. "Why don't we make this a team effort? You search one area and I'll search another."

Athena nodded. "Yes, let's do that."

"Great! I'll continue where I left off, then."

Athena went off to the left as Olga returned to what he was doing before Athena came. She got down on her knees in a damp patch of tall grass and carefully combed through it in hopes of finding the logic card. When she didn't, she heaved herself up and moved to another patch. Suddenly, when combing through that patch, her hand brushed against something that didn't feel like dirt and grass. She grasped the thin object and lifted it up, causing her to gasp. It was Yoshichika's logic card! She had found it at last!

She got up and ran over to Olga. "Olga, I found it!"

He immediately stopped what he was doing and sprang up. "Are you serious right now?!"

She nodded. "Yes."

He grabbed her hand and started dragging her to the ALCA. "Come on, let's get it back to Yoshichika!"

They wasted no time in getting there since they were both so happy that they (well, Athena) had found the last missing logic card. Athena hoped that this last logic card would bring the old Yoshichika back because she wanted to tell him something important.

"Yoshichika!" Athena exclaimed as she ran into their room.

He looked at her with an interested look on his face. "What's up?"

"I have something for you." She presented his last missing logic card to him. "Here. It's your last missing logic card."

He took it from her and almost instantly regained the look he used to always have. Athena grinned widely at him. He had gotten his memory back!

"Thank you, Athena," he said.

She blushed. "You're welcome."

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, his lips were on hers. Athena had a moment of shock before taking it willingly. What both of them had kept from each other for months was revealed through one gesture - a kiss.

"I love you," Yoshichika said after the kiss.

"I love you, too, Yoshichika," she said in response. "You're the reason I haven't gone back to Tetraheaven yet."

"I'm your reason?"

"Yes, you are."

Suddenly, they heard a squeal of excitement from outside their room that could only belong to Nanahoshi. "You guys are so cute together!"

Both Yoshichika and Athena looked towards the open door, where Nanahoshi stood with pure joy and excitement in her eyes. Yoshichika raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to drop her shoulders and admit, "I was walking past and looked in and saw you two kissing."

Athena smiled at her. "Don't worry about it, Nanahoshi! You're fine!"


Yoshichika nodded. "Yep, but do go blabbering about us to the chief."

She gave a thumbs-up. "You got it!"

She ran off somewhere, leaving Athena and Yoshichika to be alone together again. They both sat in comfortable silence, both of them content with just being together.

That was the start of many memories together.

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