Lavender ~ Jerika Songfic

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I woke up to find myself in a different world. Everyone around me had a mask on, and there was no truth in it. I had to pretend, pretend that I trusted myself, pretend that it was real, pretend that they believed me. In the midst of it all, my fiancée was nowhere to be found.

She was missing.

I started to panic, desperately asking people if they had seen her. They either ignored me or told me to keep my mask on. After several of those responses, I was sick of it, and I threw my mask to the ground. People looked at me in shock and started whispering to each other. What they whispered, I did not know, but I assumed it to be about me.

Suddenly, I saw a light shining purple like lavender in the distance. I stopped dead in my tracks. The world started to collapse on itself, but despite that, I still heard a cry for help, the voice I could only think to be her. I broke out in a sprint towards the light, towards the cry for help.

“Erika, I’m coming!” I yelled as I ran, earning strange looks from the people around me.

As I ran, I felt the temperature drop, I assume because the world was collapsing. I felt my fingers start to freeze, but I ignored it as I continued towards the never-fading light.

Suddenly, I found myself in a strange position of power over the world, finding the power to manipulate various things. In this realm, I could do whatever I wanted. I felt like I actually could belong here. I am divinity.

As I manipulated the world to create a perfect world and bring Erika back to me, I unearthed many lies. Honestly, what else did I expect, it is a realm of lies, a realm where everyone wears a mask.

The next lie I unearthed pierced me right to the bone like a sword - my power. My power wasn’t actually real. I just imagined it. I wasted precious time manipulating the world that I could’ve used to find my fiancée.

I dropped everything and looked on in the distance towards the still bright light in the distance. I could her crying out, “Jerod, please, rescue me and set me free!” It strengthened my determination and I pressed forward, the cold and fireless smoke not distracting me.

With the light as my guide, I reached a rather tall tower, a tower on top of which had the light. I quickly looked for a way up, finding a staircase leading up. I ran up as fast as I could. My frozen fingers gripped the rail tightly as I made my way up. I shivered in the cold and coughed in the smoke, but I wasn’t swayed.

When I reached the top, I found Erika being held captive by a shady and strong man, two other shady but smaller men, also in all black, on each side of him. She had duct tape over her mouth, but I could still hear her cry for help, the cry being louder than ever. Her face showed evident distress. My heart broke to see her in such a state, and in that moment, it made me determined to take on the shady men.

“Hey, let go of my fiancée!” I yelled at them.

The man holding her smirked, filling my blood with hatred towards him. “You think that I’d give her up that easily?” He chuckled. “Son, you have no idea what you’re up against.”

I stood up straight and crossed my arms. “Okay, then tell me.”

“Why do I have to tell you when I could just show you?”

He made some kind of hand signal to the man on his left. He positioned himself, then flung his body towards me, knocking me to the ground. I saw the leader make another hand signal, this time to his right-hand man. He jogged over and began to kick my ribs as the one who had knocked me to the ground threw punches. I felt powerless until the one on top of me shifted his weight. I saw an opportunity and took it, knocking him off of me and knocking down the other guy.

I stood up and faced the leader, who wore an expression of shock. I smirked and said, “Is that it?”

His expression of shock turned into a scowl as he bitterly shot back, “We’re not done yet.”

He threw Erika down to the ground with a thud and stomped over to me, looking down at me. I raised an eyebrow and said, “Really, intimidation?”

Without another word, I got a swift knee to my gut. I went down with a thud and curled up into the fetal position, my stomach on fire from the hard hit. I rolled over in pain to face Erika, who now had tears escaping and leaving trails down her face. I tried to crawl over to her, only to get a kick to my ribs. I screamed out in pain, my ribs still hurting from the numerous kicks before.

“I see, you’re trying to reach her to get comfort,” the man remarked. “Not on my watch. Nice try, though.” He went over to Erika and yanked her back up, wiping the tears from her face. “A damsel in distress. How cliché. Is that why you sent that signal to him to try to foil my plan? How unfortunate that it seems that my plan will succeed anyways.”

Still in pain, I spat out, “What plan?”

He put on a look of fake surprise. “Oh, you didn’t know that I wanted her gone?”


“Yes, gone.” He dragged her to the edge of the tower and looked down. “I think that’ll be a sufficient height.”

With a sudden relief from my pain, I jumped and ran over and tried to stop him, yelling, “Hey, don’t push her!”

“Oh, the love interest saving the day at the last moment. Man, that’s so cliché.”

With that, he gently pushed her down, and I yelled as she fell down and the world faded out.

I jolted up in my bed, breathing heavily. Was that all just a nightmare?

“Jerod, are you okay?” Erika asked in a tired voice as she sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and looked at her. “It was just a nightmare. I’m okay.”

She laid back down. “Go back to sleep, honey. It’s nearly three in the morning.”

I laid down. “Okay.” I kissed her cheek. “I love you so much.”

She smiled. “Love you too.”



Originally written for my school's Literary and Art Magazine. Decided to post it here too. :)

~ Kat

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