Cramps ~ Jack x Reader

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WARNING - this is only for female readers

I was in class when I suddenly felt a cramp. 'Did I seriously forget Advil again?' I thought as I mentally facepalmed. I glanced over at my blue-eyed boyfriend a few seats away and shot him a quick text discreetly.

Me - advil?

Sean - did u forget again?

Me - yh

Sean - well, I don't have any, Y/N

Me - r u serious rn?

Sean - sry

Me - I h8 u

"Y/N, pay attention, or I will take your phone away!" the teacher snapped. "You too, Sean!

I sighed as I slipped my phone into my bag, hoping it wouldn't be long until the end of class. I swear the class dragged on until the bell rang. I tried to get out of there fast, but the teacher kept Sean and I back.

"Guys, this is the third time this month I've had to tell you to put your phones up." she said. "What's your excuse for this time?"

"I was asking Sean for Advil," I answered truthfully.

"Y/N, just ask to go to the nurse next time. You won't be in any kind of trouble."

"I understand."

"Good. You both may leave now."

Sean took my hand and led me out of the room, opening his hand to reveal a travel-sized container of Advil. "Here, I found this after we got yelled at."

I took the bottle from him. "Gee, thanks. I thought you didn't have any."

He shrugged. "Must've forgotten. Sorry."

I rolled my eyes as I downed a pill. "I would be giving you the silent treatment if I didn't love you."

He went to say something, but he was interrupted by his hazel-eyed jock friend, Mark, literally taking him away from me.

"Really, Mark?" I called after the boys running down the hallway.

"We're gonna be late, otherwise!" he called back, prompting me to dash to my next class.

A/N - I've had this stored in a note on my tablet for a while now, so I figured I would post it lol hope y'all enjoyed my attempt at an imagine one-shot

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