Time's Running Out ~ Septiishu

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The wound in my side was growing, the knife being pushed farther in by a masked man. I shrieked as he yanked out the bloody knife, dropped it onto my leg, and fled. He had inflicted me with intense pain that I could not get rid off as I laid there in a dark alley, bleeding out. There was no one I could see.

With a shaky hand, I pulled out my cracked phone from my jeans pocket, and rather than contacting the cops, I dialed Sean's number quicker than I ever had. When he picked up, I put on a happy, normal voice and said, "Hey Sean!"


I smiled when I heard my favorite smol bean's pretty voice on the other end. "Hey, babe!"

"So how has LA been treating you?"

"Great, Mark let me stay with him, Amy, and Chica, so that took care of lodging."

"That's good! I was worried that you forgetting about booking a hotel room would have a bad outcome."

"Mark's not a complete asshole."

She chuckled. "I know, I wasn't saying that, you goofball."

"Did I ever say that I thought that that was what you were saying?"


"Okay, so there."

She giggled. "You're such a dork."

"But you love it."

"Yes, because you're a natural dork, and I love you, so I love you being a dork."

"Okay, Ms. I-Have-To-Justify-What-I'm-Saying-Even-Though-It's-Not-Necessary."

"I love you so much, Sean."

"I love you, too, my Woosh."

"I wish I could've come with you."

"I know, I wish you could've come with me too."

"Fucking hell!" Mark yelled from another room. "Why did you have to forget about it, Ethan?!"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Mark's yelling at Ethan about something, and I'm kinda curious about it now."

She giggled. "Why am I not surprised about that?"

"Because you're not."

"Wow, great answer, Sean."


As soon as his name left my lips, I felt my strength leaving me. I knew that my time was almost up and that I had to make the best of my final moments.

"Should I check on Mark and ask what's up?" Sean asked.

I shrugged weakly. "Sure, go for it."


"Sean, I love you so so much, more than anyone can imagine."

He chuckled. "I love you too, ya doofus."

I smiled weakly. "Goodbye, my adorable coffee bean."

"Bye, Signe."

He hung up first, so I just let my arm drop and my phone slip from my fingers. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, accepting my fate. I didn't want it to end this way, and I felt bad for not saying anything about it to Sean, but I didn't want to ruin his vacation.

As I felt the last of my strength leave me, I whispered, "I'll love you forever, Sean," to no one. A single tear managed to crawl down my face before my life disappeared and I was gone.




Why did I write this, I'm crying now

Based upon the attached prompt

Based upon the attached prompt

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~ Kat

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