Chapter 21

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The next thing I remember was light and it wasn't pleasant. I thought the afterlife was supposed to be better than this I said in my mind or so I thought.

"You're not dead, Sadie," Cisco said sarcastically.

"Why the hell not?" I groaned.

"Because we care about you too much to let you die," Caitlin said and I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

"Why can't you people let me do my job and die for the sake of the city?" I said blinking my eyes a few times before opening them completely, "Where's Barry?"

"He's on the phone with Oliver," Cisco answered, "Eobard turned on the particle accelerator and it's supposed to start in less than 16 hours and we need to transport all the metas to Lian Yu. I'll go get him."

"What's the diagnose, doc?" I asked Caitlin.

"You were gone for two weeks. Dehydration, starvation and hypothermia are not a good mix," she laughed.

"Yeah, I kinda figured," I grinned then sighed, "But I seized, what happened?"

"The Reverse Flash's speed was so fast that it threw your body into a seizes state especially with everything else added in and being dropped at the speed you were going you're lucky to be alive," she said checking my heart monitor.

"But you say that everytime something happens to me," I noted.

"Well this isn't a normal job so you're bound to come close to death a few times whether we like it or not," she shrugged.

"You're right," I nodded just as Barry rushed into the room. He sat beside me engulfing me in a hug and holding me tightly.

"I thought..." he started before I shushed him.

"I'm okay," I answered before he let me go.

"I wish I could have found you sooner," Barry said keeping my hands in his.

"Barry, there's no way you could have known where I was. It isn't your fault," I scolded him, "So what's going on with the metas?"

"We have to move them to Lian Yu since it isn't safe for them here. Joe tried to get an escort but the CCPD won't let him so desperate times called for desperate measures," he sighed.

"What does that mean?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Are you out of your mind?" Joe asked walking in, "Sadie, I'm glad to see you're alright. You talked to Leonard Snart?"

"What?" I practically yelled.

"I asked him for help," Barry shrugged.

"Barry, why would you do something so stupid?" Joe asked.

"Because, Joe, we have already tried everyone else. Look, you tried the CCPD. I tried Oliver. I even tried Ronnie and Dr. Stein and the particle accelerator goes online in..." Barry said as Cisco walked in.

"16 hours," Cisco answered for him.

"16 hours, Joe! I'm not willing to let metas die and we can't let them escape either," he fought back, "So, like it or not, Snart, with his cold gun, is the only one that can stop them if Cisco's transportation does not hold."

"Then lucky for you I figured out what it is you can get me," Snart answered walking into the cortex, "Hello, Detective. Nice to see you again. Caitlin, Cisco. Sadie, glad to see you're alive. I thought about your proposal. You want my help, this is what I want. My fingerprints, dental records, DNA, criminal records, family tree, everything there is in this world concerning Leonard Snart. I want it destroyed," he went on, "All of it. At CCPD, online, everywhere."

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