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I stared at my phone, frowning. 

Yoongi had hung up so quick. 

I shrugged it off after a second, deciding to check the message from my brother

Ugly ass cactus- mama said u outta the country. where in the hell r u 

Nina- far away from ur ugly ass that's where. 

I had rarely got to see my brother because he had moved from our hometown in Michigan to Arizona, while I had decided to stay and do a dumb ass major I had no interest in. 

Ugly ass cactus- don't do that to me :(( ur my older sister 

Nina- by like fuckin 3 mins lol what u want 

I sighed, laying down on my bed. Olive laid on my stomach, curling into her little ball so she could sleep. 

Ugly ass cactus- can't miss my twin sister? godt damn 

Nina- i was facetiming a cute ass boy u rat. I'm in South Korea. miss u 2 

I exited out of our conversation before locking my phone, setting it next to me. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to relax more. Olive made a noise and she turned on my stomach. She sighed, digging her head into my stomach. Maybe Olive was tired too. Maybe the other puppies were giving her a hard time.

My phone vibrated and I groaned, grabbing it. I rubbed my eyes as I read the text message. 

Jaehyun ugly- let me and  sicheng come visit you in your new home alone

Jaehyun ugly- oh and sicheng said yuta too 

Jaehyun ugly- don't bother responding is the door unlocked 

Jaehyun ugly- I'll figure out on my own hehe

I heard a knock on the door a minute later. I sighed as Olive ran to the door, barking at it. I got up, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. I walked to the door, unlocking it before stepping back. The door opened slowly, Jaehyun poking his head in. 

"Ooooo. I didn't think you'd answer," he pushed the door open all the way, showing Sicheng and Yuta behind him, boxes in their hands "We brought pizza and barbecue chicken wings!" 


"Is it nice living on your own?" Yuta asked, taking a bite of pizza. I nodded, feeding Olive a piece of chicken. 

"It's a lot colder in here than it was living at Lucy's. I like it a lot." I said. 

"So does this mean you're going to  be having that boy over?" Sicheng asked. 

"Shut up!" Jaehyun said, hitting his arm. Sicheng looked at him, confused. 

"What? I was just asking," he said, taking a bite of his pizza. 

"So did you tell everyone?" I asked, glaring at Jaehyun. He smiled slightly, backing up. 

"I did, yes. But, don't kill me," I sighed. 

"I told you because I trusted you! It was a secret!" I set down the chicken, sighing, "I'm never trusting you again, you little brat.

"Yes, but, you never answered Sichengs question.

"No, I am never having that boy over. Boys suck.


i hate this but its a short update 

things will get better i swear 

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