3. Just You Wait...

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  Friday arrived slowly. Everyone at school was excited about the party. Everyone was going, except me. My mother would never let me go to this party, but I had a plan B. School was nearly over and there was only a few minutes till the bell rings. I sat in the classroom with my classmates in total unbelievable silence. All of us staring at the clock impatiently. If I looked around, I would see some people chewing their finger nails, tapping their desks and tapping their feet impatiently or just like me, staring at the clock with your heart beating fast. Only 30 seconds left till school's out. It was painful!

I closed my eyes tightly and waited for that sweet ring of the school bell. My eyes snapped open and I jumped out of my skin at the beautiful sound everyone's been wanting to hear the whole hour. The school bell rang, calling us that school's out. Everyone burst out of their seats and screamed with joy. Some boys kicked the desks over and ripped out their book pages, some girls screamed like banshees and jumped up and down like little girls. I loved my classmates! They were naughty but they all knew me and thought I was cool. Everyone in the school got along with me. Most girls wanting to be me and were jealous that I had the captain of the football team as my boyfriend. Most boys had a crush on me and wanted to date me.

10 Minutes after the bell rung, I was in one of the school halls, looking for Mia and my other best friend Emma. They both were equal as my best friends but I had lots more friends I usually see around. I pushed through the crowd of students who were rushing for the school's exit. I was going to walk home with Mia and Emma today so I think they told me earlier to meet them outside. I STILL had the annoying yet creepy feeling that someone was watching me. Like I couldn't see them but they could see me. I know pretty crazy right? I really wishes it'll stop soon.
It took me a while but I managed to finally make it out of the school and into the school courtyard. There were quite a lot of students around as usual. Most of them talking in groups but others are either a couple or just hanging by themselves. Come to think of it. I haven't seen Luke anywhere today. That's when worried thoughts start to leak into my mind. What if Peter is bullying him again? Oh we'll be done if I see him bullying again. "What if something happened to poor Luke? He is such a nice boy, he doesn't deserve to be in pain at all. He's too sweet. No, I didn't have a crush on him, it's just that caring feeling I have for others.
My eyes scanned around the school courtyard only to stop and stare at two familiar faces. It wasn't Luke which made me frown but it was Mia and Emma which I couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto my lips. When my two best friends caught sight of me standing here watching them, they called me over.

"Hey!" They both said in unison.

"Hey" I greeted. "I can't believe schools out!!!!!" Mia screamed making me giggle. "And the party is tonight!" Emma added. "So, Y/N. Did your give you her blessing to go?" Mia asked. I sighed and shook my head sadly.
"WHAT!!!!!" Emma and Mia yelled in unison. "I know. But I have a plan B" I replied.
"What's plan B?" Emma asked cocking an eye brow. "It's a surprise" I smirked with a wink. "Yeah! You go Y/N! Go bad and sneak out!" Mia cheered putting an arm around my shoulder. I giggled at Mia. She always knew how to make me either smile or laugh.
"So, we gonna walk home?" I asked. Emma and Mia both nodded and we were already on our way home.

"Hey guys?" I asked as we continued walking through the busy streets. I could suddenly feel Emma's and Mia's gaze on me in the corner of my eyes. "D-do you usually feel like you're being watched most of the time?" I asked with worry in my voice. Emma and Mia stopped, which caused me to stop also. They stared at me like I was insane which was probably how I sounded. They were both silent for a few minutes like they were thinking. ".....No..... You okay, Y/N?" Emma finally spoke. "I just feel like I'm being watched, every where I turn, this feeling never stops and it frightens me" I confessed.
"Yep. You're going crazy" Mia admitted before starting to walk again. I knew Mia didn't believe me but sometimes Emma takes my problems seriously and always tries to solve them. "Don't worry about it Y/N. Nothing can hurt you. I mean, who would want to hurt you? If someone really is watching you. Just remember that fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." Emma said with a little smile. Emma and her quotes, always makes me crack a smile.
I manage to turn my lips upwards and slump an arm around Emma's shoulder. "Thanks, Em. You really know how to help me." Emma just nodded and we went to catch up with Mia.

My feet dangled over the gutter of my house's roof. Yes, I was indeed sitting on my house roof. My house was a two stories but I luckily wasn't afraid of heights. I watched as the sun set before me, paralyzed by the sight of it. I have loved the sun set ever since I was little and I always came up here for a good view. I also came up here when I'm feeling troubled. I do indeed feel troubled. All because of that annoying feeling! The feeling of someone watching me has never stopped and I'm pretty much sick of it!
The party will be beginning at 7:30 and it's only 6:00. Tonight, my mother had night shift and she'll be leaving at 7 I'm sure. I may be a little late to the party but it'll be a surprise to my friends because they don't know I'm coming without my mother's permission. I sadly have to ignore my mother's disapproval and have to sneak out without my mother knowing. This party, I've been excited for the entire term and I can't just not go to the biggest party all year!
I gave the sun set one last stare before climbing down the ladder I used to get up here. Dinner must be ready, I also must get ready for the party.

Little did I know, I wasn't wrong about being watched. Two unblinking eyes watched me from a distance with a smile growing wider and wider by the minute. The unknown figure chuckled until it's chuckling turned into a huge laughing fit.
"Just you wait, Y/N. Just you wait...."  

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