Chapter 2

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"Mommy can we get some ice cream when I get out of school?" Lexi ask, we were getting ready so that I can drop her off at school.

"Sure baby we can" She smiled widely at that.

We got in the car and buckled up. Thankfully her school wasn't far from the house so that means I won't be dealing with too much traffic. It is early in the morning so I'm sure everyone is probably rushing trying to get to where they're going.

I walked Lexi inside the building and to her classroom. I bend down to her level so that I can give her a kiss and a hug. "Okay baby have a nice day and make sure you turn in your homework."

"I will mommy" we hug again then I turn her loose. I watch her put her book bag up and go talk to her friends. Man was my baby growing up fast.

"So how's things been going?" I ask my clients Tanya Gilberts and Michael Gilberts. They were regular couple that came to see me.

"He's been having an affair" Tanya said with nothing but attitude.

I nodded my head and took notes "Michael is this true? Are you having an affair?"

He looked embarrassed but he admitted to stepping out on his wife.

Tanya shook her head in disgust "The heifer he's been cheating with is our babysitter. I don't even think the girl is barely 21 yet. For three months he's been sleeping with her and not once did he think about the consequences of his action."

"How did you find out?" I ask her.

She chuckled "The nanny cam."

I laugh to myself as well men can be so careless when it comes to cheating plus they can be foul and sleep with another women where they wife or girlfriend lay their head at. Thankfully I never had to deal with that when it came to Kenneth and I marriage.

"It's not like I wanted it to happen." Michael spoke up "I only slept with her because at the time I thought I wasn't going to get caught. A couple times turned into a routine for us but I promise I did not want to hurt my wife."

"Are you really sincere because some men are only sorry when they get caught instead of being sorry for truly hurting their spouse."

Michael grab his wife hand "I am sorry for hurting you it was never intentionally"

"You hurt me to the core" Tanya said with tears in her eyes.

"Why don't we talk about why you even started the affair Michael." I said, it was always good to go back and recite when the problems were staring to happen. Couples always get a sign when things go wrong but choose to ignore it until the problem gets bigger.

After dealing with the Gilberts it was time to take my hour lunch. It was 12 pm so I figure I can just get some chipotle and call it a day.

"Hey Logan I'm about to step out for lunch you want anything?"

Logan stop typing on the computer "No thank you, my cousin is actually bringing me something to eat."

"Oh okay will I should be back in thirty minutes if I get any calls just tell them I stepped out and I'll get back to them."

"Yes ma'am"

Standing in the Chipotle line giving my order, I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. Looking at the LCD I seen that my mother was calling. I just simply ignore her call and decided when I was done with my order I will call her back.

Getting in the car I turn my Bluetooth on and called my mother. I know she is going to curse me out for not answering the first time.

"So you do know how to work a phone." My mother commented sarcastically when she picked up the phone.

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