Chapter 12

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"Shawn go deeper" I begged him, he chuckled but did as I requested. Grabbing my hips I arch my back some more so I could feel all of him.

"Shit" he groaned.

We have been at it for the past hour just switching from position to position. I had called him up and told him I needed it to help me release some stress and of course he drop everything that he was doing to be with me. Right now Shawn was taking me on another high and causing me to have my sixth orgasm while he was on his way to his third.

The way he was moving in and out of me and how hard he was going was making my toes girl from the pleasure. I hate to compare the two but I swear Kenneth could never be this type of lover that Shawn was. Shawn can be rough but gentle at the same time and the way he stokes lets you know that he cares more about you getting off than him. I just love the roughness that he gives me something about it gives me life.

"I'm almost thereee" I said in a hoarse voice, Shawn had me screaming so much that I was beginning to lose my voice.

I guess me telling him that I was about to come was music to his ears because he switch positons, I was on my back now with my sweaty legs wrap around his waist. Shawn put his hand around my neck as he went deeper and harder inside of me. I kid you not it seem as though I felt his dick in my stomach.

"Baby" was all I could say when I felt that tingling feeling from the pit of my stomach going down there to my vagina. I grip the sheets and let my orgasm ride out. The way I was coming you would have thought I haven't had sex in a year.

"Got damn Bey" Shawn mumble as he came himself, he fell on me and did one last stroke to wrap it up. I lift up his head and stuck my tongue in his mouth. The tongue kissing was just as intense as the sex was.

"I don't know who needed that more, me or you." Shawn said through his heavy breathing. I laughed and kissed his sweaty forehead. He got up and went to the bathroom.

I grab my robe and threw it on from all the sex we did work me up an appetite. "Hey are you hungry because I know I am!" I yelled into the bathroom.

"Yea I am what you cooking?" Shawn yelled back. It was only seven p.m. so I didn't want to fix anything to heavy.

"Um what about two turkey sandwiches"

"That's fine with me." Shawn said coming out of the bathroom showing all his naked glory. Maybe we can go another- nope I am not about to do it. I will be in a wheel chair if I go another round with this man.

"Who made this apple pie" Shawn ask when we got in the kitchen. I had forgotten all about that pie.

I grab all the things that I needed to make our sandwiches with. "My mother made it earlier today when she came over. It's good you want a piece?"

Shawn scrunch up his face "Naw I'm good ma I'm allergic to apples."

"Really?" I made a mental note to remember that. "So what do you want on your sandwich? I got turkey, mayonnaise, mustard, tomatoes, lettuces, and pickles"

"Everything but mustard"

"Wheat or white?"

"White and if you don't mind can you toast it a little bit." I nodded my head and grab four white breads and headed over to my toaster.

"Since I have known you, you have cooked for me yet." Shawn stated as he watch me make our sandwiches.

I smirked "You only come over on the weekends and those days I don't cook since it only be me in the house. Besides when you come over are you really thinking about food." I took a pickle and feed it to him.

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