Chapter 6

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"Why the hell did you give him my phone number?" I question my mother, It has been a few days since I hung up on my father and now I finally calm down enough to ask my mother what the hell was she thinking.

My mother sip on her cup of sweet tea that she had. She was not trying to have this conversation with me right now.

"Mom can you please answer my question." I was becoming irritated with her.

"Okay fine I gave him your number because it is time for you two to sit down and a have conversation. Beyoncé all he wants for you to do is forgive him for not being there and you are being so damn stubborn."

"You damn right I am being stubborn. Have you forgotten that this man walked out on us and never look back?"

"I haven't forgotten anything but I have forgiven him. Life's too short for grudges."

I threw my hands up "So that's it? He's dying and want to make amends before his dies."



My mother shook her head and mumble something under breath. I don't really care though. She shouldn't have given this man my number without my permission.

"Listen you will not disrespect me or your father just because you have a damn attitude about him not being there. Now I understand you are going to be hurt but that doesn't give you the right to say harsh things. He just wants you to forgive him-

"Then let me forgive him on my own terms if that ever happens"

My mother sighed and stood up "Bey-

"Mom can you go I gotta get ready for work" I had already drop Lexi off at school and instead of going straight to work I ask my mother to come over so we can talk. But that's over now, hopefully I don't have to have another conversation about this again with her.

"Alright Bey your grown and can make your own decisions. I just hope you don't regret it."

Rolling my eyes I walked my mother to the door. I know I am not going to regret anything so she can save me the guilt talks. If my mother wants to be with this man again then so be it but I know I am not going to deal with the bullshit.

"Hey Logan" I greeted her at her desk.

"Good Morning I thought you wasn't going to come in today?"

"I wasn't" I said with a shrug "But I change my mind and now I am here."

"Well good news for you the Thomas cancelled their appointment for today and rescheduled for next week so you only have one session today."

I smiled a little bit "That is good news so I guess I can just lounge around until 3."

I went into my office and open up my laptop I didn't have much to do so I guess I can surf the web and do a little bit online shopping for me and Lexi. I love to buy us matching outfits to wear when we go out to an event sometimes. It might be corny but I think it's cute. While I was finding cute clothes for us I heard my phone ring. I really didn't feel like talking to anyone. Getting my phone out of my purse I seen that Shawn was calling me. What the hell does he want? My pride was telling me to ignore his phone call but the curiosity got the best of me.

"Yes Shawn."

"Why you answering the phone all rude like? Didn't your mother teach you manners?"

I rolled my eyes as if he could see me "What do you want I'm at work"

"I am too but I'm on break and decided to give you a call."

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