Chapter 5

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 Stirring around in my sleep for some reason the sound of light snoring was waking me up. I knew it wasn't coming from me, slowly I shifted my body a little bit too where the snoring was coming from. I wanted to scream out when I saw Shawn sleeping next to me. He had both hands behind his head as he slept away. Looking oh so comfortable in my bed. Getting up I grab the rob that was hanging on my bed frame and put it around my naked body. I can't not believe I slept with him and on the first night. Damn what was I thinking? I know not to drink around him anymore.

"Shawn..." I whisper trying to wake him up. "Shawn get up" I tap him a couple of times until he started to move around in the bed. Opening up his eyes a little bit he began to grin.

"Why you waking me up ma? What's some more?"

"No I don't but I do need you to get up and leave" I hope I didn't sound too harsh but I need for him to go.

Shawn sat up a little bit and rub his eyes then he grab his phone "Girl it is 4 in the damn morning why you kicking me out. Why you ain't say something before I went to sleep I could have been left."

I grab a hair wrap that I had and put my hair in a messy bun. "I'm sorry but I didn't even know I went to sleep but still you have to go."

"Look I don't gotta be at work until 10 let me sleep until 7 and I'll be out of your hair" I shook my head no that was definitely not finna work out.

He smacked his lips and got out of the bed. I immediately look the other way, I did not want to stare at his naked body. Yea I seen what he was working with already but give me a pass I was drunk. Shawn look around the room for his clothes that was scattered around. Once he put his boxers on I turn to look at him.

As he was putting his clothes on he was laughing as if I told a joke or something. I hope he's not laughing at what just happen between us because this was not a laughing matter. I am still trying to register that I even slept with him.

"What's funny?"

He shook his head "You are"


Shawn sat on the bed to put his shoes on. I followed right behind and sat next to him. "You're funny because you're freaking out for no damn reason. I mean seriously why you acting like you just made the worst mistake of your life?"

"Because what I did was not me!"

"And so what?" is he serious right now.

"Shawn I know what type of girls you are used to and I am not it. I can't even look at myself right now."

He stood up and grab his keys and phone "Actually you don't know what type of girls that I am used to but you like to judge so I'm not even go defend the women I been with."

I kind of feel bad about judging him once again but then again I don't want to apologize. I just need for him to be gone.

"So you really are tripping about sleeping with me on the first date?" Shawn ask before he walked out the door, I was walking him out until he let go of the door knob.

"Yes" I answered truthfully "Sleeping with someone I barely know is not something I do."

"I know you don't do stuff like that so why you feeling all bad for? I mean this don't make you a hoe because you fuck someone on the first date. This your first time ever doing it so you get a pass."

I sighed "You don't understand you're not a women"

"And what the fuck does that mean? Not all men want to fuck as soon as they meet a girl. Look you wanted to have fun that's why you called me up and I gave you fun. Stop tripping on little shit ma."

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