Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

2 weeks later

What a girl to do on a Friday night? I was sitting here watching reruns of Martin on BET wishing I was doing something else right now. It has been a while since I ever felt this bored. Lexi and I were having fun at first with watching a marathon of Disney princess movies but that was cut short when her father came to get her. I didn't want to keep watching the movies without her.

I didn't really have friends like that. Once upon a time Kenneth was my best friend but you see we don't have that friendship anymore so I am literally just here alone. I would call Logan and see what she was doing but I don't want to call her up with last minute plans. She has a kid so I know how hard it is to get somebody to agree to babysit.

I guess since I am just sitting in the house by myself I could just drink away. I have a bottle of red wine in the refrigerator that I haven't open yet. Getting up to go get the wine I accidentally knock over my purse that I had sitting on the bed. I had forgotten to hang it up when I came in earlier. Picking up everything that had fallen out I seen the card Shawn had given me with his phone number on it. Looking at it hard I was contemplating on whether I should give him a call or not. Naw I'm not that desperate for some company. Putting the card on my night stand I went into the kitchen to get my wine.

One glass of wine turn into three and I was on my way to being tipsy. Stopping myself from drinking another glass. I grab my iPhone and unlock it, shaking my head I couldn't believe the numbers I was dialing. It was only 8 pm so I hope he is not sleep or anything.

"Hello?" I answer in a timid voice.

"Yo Wassup? Who this?" Putting my face in my palm I can't believe that I called Shawn. He will probably rub this in my face once I tell him its me.

"Hey Shawn, its Beyoncé"

I heard him chuckle into the phone "Get the fuck outta here. Stubborn girl? Why you calling me?"

I drunk the last bit of my wine that I had in my glass to help me have a conversation with him.

"I was calling because I was bored on this Friday night and was seeing what you was up to."

Again he chuckle then told someone in his background that he was leaving them.

"Oh really you that bored you had to call me. I should feel used that you only calling me to be entertain."

"It's not like that" I defend myself, I did not want him to feel like I'm using him.

"It's cool Bey don't trip I was only kidding but what you trying to do though?"

I thought about it I was kind of hungry but with no particular taste for food though.

"Um going to dinner would be fine"

"Cool I know this nice lil jazz spot you'll like. You can text me your address and I'll pick you up at nine."

I was hesitate about sending him my address, I don't want him to remember where I live in case this little outing go wrong. But I'll send it anyways because I don't feel like driving. After agreeing to going to this jazz spot with him we hung up and I got ready. I don't plan on going all out with my outfit so I'll settle for something simple. Before I got in the shower I ate a slice of bread and drunk a bottle of water. I need to be sober when he comes.

Picking a simple black jump suit to wear that show some side cleavage I hope Shawn doesn't think I am giving him a show or anything. I had this jumpsuit for a year now and I want to at least wear it one good time. I need to stop wasting all my new clothes. Playing in my messy hair I ran my fingers through it as much as possible. I didn't have that much time to straighten it out so leaving it like this was the only option I had.

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