Chapter 14

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A smile slowly crept upon my face as the aroma of breakfast was being made. I sat up in the bed and stretch. I was still naked from last night so I grab Shawn's t-shirt that was laying on the floor. Putting it on I went into the bathroom to take care of myself before I went downstairs to join him.

"You look good as hell in my clothes maybe look a better than me." Shawn comment as I sat down on the stool that was by his counter. "So how did you sleep?"

"Like a baby" I rested my chin on hand and just admired him cooking for me. I don't know why but it was turning me on seeing him in the kitchen cooking for me. Yes it's only breakfast but the type of man Shawn is you wouldn't expect to see him doing anything domestic for a woman.

He noticed that I was staring at him and laughed "You must be enjoying what you see."

"Maybe" He turn down the temperature on the sausages and came over to me. Grabbing my face he gave me a wet and sloppy kiss. "You trying to start something" I mumble in between kisses. Shawn didn't say anything he just ended the kiss with him biting the bottom of my lip.

"Naw just wanted to give you a morning kiss" he winked and went back to cooking.

Since he was almost done I decided to be useful and help set the table even though it was the two of us. Pouring us both some orange juice, I then grab the toasts that was done and put jelly on them.

"You know last night was something else and I ain't even talking about the crazy sex we did." Shawn started the conversation.

I ate a bit of pancakes and agreed "Yea I would have never guess that the two of us would get that personal."

"That's because we are beginning to trust each other. At least that what it seem like to me"

"Yes it is a start." I grew quieted as I thought about the abortion I had as a teen. I never really talk about because I am afraid of being judge. Kelly doesn't even know about the abortion. Besides telling Shawn the only people who knew was my ex and my mother.

"A penny for your thought?" Shawn ask interrupting my thinking.

I smiled sheepishly "You don't judge me for getting an abortion?"

Shawn stop eating his food and wipe his mouth "I don't judge you for getting it because for one it is in your past and way before me. Plus it is was decision that the both of you made. I don't really judge people because we all done did fucked up things in our life time."

"I just always feel horrible every time I think about it. My child did nothing wrong yet I took its life away because I was selfish and scared."

Shawn grab my hand and rubbed it "Beyoncé you are a terrible person. You were just young and going through some shit. It's not like you made a hobby out of getting abortions so please don't beat yourself up." I nodded my head and wipe the tears that was about to fall.

He went back to his food "Now enough of all this sad stuff what are you plans for the day?"

I shrug my shoulders "I have no idea, I will love to spend the next two days with you but I also want to go see my father and try to talk to him."

"Why you doing it so soon?"

"Because it's better to get these emotions out now than to wait longer than I have too. He's here now and I don't know for how long. I want to take him out to lunch and talk. But after that I am all yours."

Shawn smirked "I know you are." he got up and put our dishes in the sink. "Let's take a shower together."

Grabbing my hand we walked upstairs to his room to take a shower. Shawn picked me up and sat me on his vanity as he went over to turn the shower on. Once he found the right temperature for us he came over and began to remove his shirt that I had on. Since that's the only thing I wore there wasn't else to remove. He however had on a white tank top and black and red shorts. I help him take those clothes off. The both of us naked as the day we was born.

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