Frequently Asked Questions

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I get a lot of questions, and I love it. Please, continue asking your questions and I will answer them to the best of my ability! Here are the most common ones I get:

Are you cured?  Sadly, no not yet. As I mentioned , I have to go to physical therapy to relax my muslces so that I can have sex. How long you ask? I don't know. My case is, as doctors have told me, incredibly exrtreme. Because I lived with this for so long, and we took so long to find a diagnosis, my vaginismus has gotten worse and worse. It could be months before I see much progress, maybe even years...just typing that is so daunting.

Do you still suffer from depression?  Absolutely. I still feel the soreness from my surgery, and I wonder if it worked, I wonder if this was just another failed attempt. I wonder if I will ever feel normal, if I will ever have a normal sex life, have kids...yes, I do still feel depressed quite often.

Does it hurt to pee? The first time I got this question I scoffed, "don't people know that girls pee from a different hole???" But then I got this question again, and again, and let me put aside my judgement and answer. No, it never hurt to pee (except after physical therapy, intense examinations or when I had those 80 stitches in). Women don't pee from their vagina, they pee from a hole above it called the urethra, it's totally separate and does not touch my vestibule at all. Thank the lord, I can pee comfortably.

How does your fiancé deal with all of this? Like a champ. He knew before we started dating that I had this problem, and he chose me anyways. He knows I have more to offer than just my body. We are emotionally, intellectually, and sexually compatable, the whole package. And yes, we are sexually compatable, like I said before, we can get "creative" which really helps with the intimacy side of things.

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